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Bade P.

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Mucha Bade P.
pAlfons Mucha ist der ungekrnte Knig der Jugendstil-Illustration. Fr viele Menschen sind Muchas berirdisch schne, von floralen Ornamentgeflechten umgegebene Frauen, die erste Assoziation mit der beliebten Kunstrichtung der Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert....
66.5 руб.
Schiele Bade P.
pPornografisch, unsittlich, amoralisch und letztendlich sogar „entartet“ wurde die Kunst des Egon Schiele genannt....
66.5 руб.
Klimt Bade P.
pGustav Klimt (1862-1918) war zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts nicht nur einer der einflussreichsten Knstler, sondern grndete zudem die Bewegung der Wiener Secession....
66.5 руб.
Burne-Jones Bade P.
pEdward Coley Burne–Jones (Birmingham, 1833 – Londres, 1898)/ppToute l\'oeuvre de Burne-Jones peut tre comprise comme une tentative de crer par la peinture un monde de beaut parfaite, aussi diffrent du Birmingham de son enfance que possible, un conglomrat industriel, mugissant, d\'une laideur et d\'une misre inimaginables....
66.5 руб.
Munch Bade P.
pEdvard Munch (Lten, 1863 – Ekely, 1944)/ppMunch peut tre considr comme le pionnier de l\'expressionnisme dans la peinture moderne. Il a bnfici tt de la rputation d\'un artiste d\'une nouvelle poque marquante en Allemagne et en Europe centrale, et aujourd\'hui son oeuvre et son statut sont depuis longtemps reconnus dans toute l\'Europe et le monde....
66.5 руб.
Mucha Bade P.
pEntre courbes et contre-courbes, Mucha cra, la fin du XIXe sicle, une grie nouvelle qui devait hanter les rues de Paris. Au fil des reprsentations de Sarah Bernhard, cette muse voluptueuse devint un vritable emblme de l\'Art nouveau et offrit l\'affichiste succs et renomme./ppNanmoins, le talent de l\'artiste ne se limita jamais la lithographie....
66.5 руб.
Schiele Bade P.
pEgon Schiele/pp(Tulln, 1890 – Vienne,1918)/ppL’oeuvre d’Egon Schiele est tellement singulire qu’elle rsiste toute catgorisation....
66.5 руб.
Klimt Bade P.
pGustav Klimt (Baumgarten, 1862 – Vienne, 1918)/pp«Faire un autoportrait ne m\'intresse pas. Les sujets de peinture qui m\'intressent ? Les autres et en particulier les femmes… » Aucune rfrence au monde extrieur ne vient contrarier le charme des allgories, portraits, paysages et autres personnages que l\'artiste peint....
66.5 руб.
Burne-Jones Bade P.
pBurne-Jones’ oeuvre can be understood as an attempt to create in paint a world of perfect beauty, as far removed from the Birmingham of his youth as possible. At that time Birmingham was a byword for the dire effects of unregulated capitalism – a booming, industrial conglomeration of unimaginable ugliness and squalor....
66.5 руб.
Munch Bade P.
pEdvard Munch, born in 1863, was Norway\'s most popular artist. His brooding and anguished paintings, based on personal grief and obsessions, were instrumental in the development of Expressionism....
66.5 руб.
Mucha Bade P.
pBorn in 1860 in a small Czech town, Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) was an artist on the forefront of Art Nouveau, the modernist movement that swept Paris in the 1910s, marking a return to the simplicity of natural forms, and changing the world of art and design forever....
66.5 руб.
Klimt Bade P.
p“I am not interested in myself as a subject for painting, but in others, particularly women…”Beautiful, sensuous and above all erotic, Gustav Klimt’s paintings speak of a world of opulence and leisure, which seems aeons away from the harsh, post-modern environment we live in now....
66.5 руб.
Alphonse Mucha Bade P. Charles V.
Alphonse Mucha
At the end of the 19th century Alphonse Mucha created a sensation throughout the streets of Paris with his posters representing the French actress Sarah Bernhardt. It was an overnight sensation and announced the new artistic style and its creator to the citizens of Paris, Art Nouveau. This brought fame and reputation to the poster artist....
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1000 Sculptures of Genius Bade P. Costello S. Manca J.
1000 Sculptures of Genius
From the Antiquity to the twentieth century, this sculpture collection offers a truly original vision of Western art. Here are the most sensual and harmonious masterworks to the most provocative and minimalist sculptures. Sculpture shapes the world and our concept of beauty, leaving everlasting silhouettes and always creating new intriguing ones....
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30 Millennia of Sculpture (30 Millennia of Art Collection) Bade P. Carl K. Charles V. Costello S. Joseph M.
30 Millennia of Sculpture (30 Millennia of Art Collection)
A From its prehistoric origins to the conceptual modernity of the 20th century, sculpture has literally and figuratively moulded the art world....
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