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Narayani L., Software Testing - A Complete Handbook: Your key to enter the world of Software Testing...

2012 г., 110 стр., 1479125970

Описание книги

This book is intended to be a good foundation on Software Testing concepts and processes for an aspiring or a novice tester, or anyone that wants to venture into the very interesting field of Software Testing to learn the basic tricks of the trade. Usage of jargon or complex principles and techniques has been intentionally avoided to make it easy to read and comprehend. The author has been a Software Testing practitioner for many years and everything that is included in this book is directly coming out of the practical experience. How is the book organized? Chapters 1 through 4 explain the very basic concepts of Software Testing, the systems, the key players and the Software Testing Life Cycle. Chapters 5 through 12 elaborate on the test phases and the processes and tools every tester should know about along with some examples and process flow diagrams. Chapters 13 through 15 contain some practical wisdom on topics like defect detection techniques, how to write...

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