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Главная  » Иностранные языки » Иностранные языки: учебники, разговорники, словари » Английский язык: учебные пособия » Теория и история английского языка » Watching the English

Fox K., Watching the English

Hodder & Stoughton, 2005 г., 528 стр., 978-1-444-78738-2

Описание книги

Kate Fox reveals the hidden rules of English behaviour in this completely revised and updated edition of the international bestseller. In this completely revised and updated edition of international bestseller WATCHING THE ENGLISH, anthropologist Kate Fox takes a revealing look at the quirks, habits and foibles of the English people. Now with new survey data to add weight to her original fieldwork findings, and more extensive field-research and experiments to back up earlier observations, Kate Fox has deciphered yet more enigmatic behaviour codes, adding new rules, new subcultures, new chapters and over 100 updates. If you're English, this new edition of Kate Fox's acclaimed international bestseller will make you stand back and re-examine everything you take for granted - and if you aren't English you'll finally understand all our peculiar little ways. WATCHING THE ENGLISH has sold more than half a million copies and has been translated into many languages. Not only a worldwide bestseller, but also a set text for university anthropology courses, WATCHING THE ENGLISH has been widely praised as a revealing and entertaining dissection of the English national character.

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Об авторе

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Beginning Old English Beginning Old English Corbett J., Hough C.

This basic introduction to Old English is an essential guide for students with little or no linguistic knowledge....

The Frameworks of English The Frameworks of English Ballard K.

How does language work? What are the different elements? How do they all fit together? The Frameworks of English is a step-by-step guide through the various levels of language, describing the morphological, lexical, grammatical and phonological frameworks of contemporary English in a clear and logical way....

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