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Окрепилов В., Mikhail Lomonosov in St. Petersburg

ИП Князев, 2013 г., 978-5-7422-3205-6

Описание книги

The book is dedicated to M. V. Lomonosov’s living in St. Petersburg. The book pages tell us about M. V. Lomonosov’s activity as a consistent and convinced successor to Peter the Great’s traditions, who initiated the science development and made it a part of the national strategy, a necessary condition of Russia’s development in economic, technical and cultural fields of knowledge. The book covers every stage of scientist’s biography, such as Lomonosov’s childhood, education, his work in the Academy of Sciences and Arts, and his pass from a student to the academician. It tells us about M. V. Lomonosov’s contribution to the formation of the national science and the Academy transformation into the educational center of the Russian Empire. It gives consideration to the scientist’s role in the development of physics, chemistry, economics, geography, literature, and tool engineering. This publication is of interest both for specialists and for a wide range of the scientific community. This book is a translation of the edition in Russian, original name “M.V. Lomonosov in St. Petersburg“, published at the commission of the Committee on Science and Higher school of St. Petersburg Government on the occasion of the celebration of 300th anniversary of Mikhail Lomonosov’s birth in St. Petersburg in accordance with the decree of St. Petersburg Government of 16.04.2010, N 407, “On the approval of the List of activities for 2011 on the preparation and holding of 300th anniversary of Mikhail Lomonosov’s birth in St. Petersburg”.

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