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Главная  » Тематика определяется » Implementation of international standards of social and labor human rights into the domestic legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Buribayev Y., Khamzin A., Khamzina Z., Implementation of international standards of social and labor human rights into the domestic legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

BIBLIO-GLOBUS, 2019 г., 188 стр., 9785907063495

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This study is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the system of international legal foundations for ensuring social and labor human rights in Kazakhstan at the present stage. The work consistently examines the concept and forms of consolidation of international standards of social and labor human rights; the international legal nature of the institutional system of ensuring individual rights is determined; the features of the relationship of international acts and legislation are revealed; universal and regional mechanisms for the protection of social and labor human rights are established; international legal standards in the field of labor and social protection are examined, their reflection in the legal system are revealed; the problems of adoption by Kazakhstan in accordance with the constitutional procedures of legislative, organizational, financial and economic measures in order to consolidate, ensure and protect the generally accepted social and labor rights and freedoms of the person are identified.As a result of a comprehensive analysis, the authors substantiated the need to enhance regional cooperation in the field of joint social development of the EAEU countries using the proposed forms and mechanisms of integration. Considering the provisions and the level of international norms and standards, conclusions and proposals for improving the legal and organizational infrastructure for ensuring social and labor human rights are presented, aimed at enhancing the process of building a legal and social state in Kazakhstan.

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