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John L., Devalued and Distrusted. Can the Pharmaceutical Industry Restore its Broken Image?

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781118511299

Описание книги

An expert"s view on solving the challenges confronting today"s pharmaceutical industry Author John LaMattina, a thirty-year veteran of the pharmaceutical industry and former president of Pfizer"s Global R&D Division, is internationally recognized as an expert on the pharmaceutical industry. His first book, Drug Truths: Dispelling the Myths About Pharma R&D, was critically acclaimed for clearing up misconceptions about the pharmaceutical industry and providing an honest account of the contributions of pharmaceutical research and development to human health and well-being. As he toured the country discussing Drug Truths, Dr. LaMattina regularly came across people who were filled with anger, accusing the pharmaceutical industry of making up diseases, hiding dangerous side effects, and more. This book was written in response to that experience, critically examining public perceptions and industry realities. Starting with «4 Secrets that Drug Companies Don"t Want You to Know,» Devalued and Distrusted provides a fact-based account of how the pharmaceutical industry works and the challenges it faces. It addresses such critical issues as: Why pharmaceutical R&D productivity has declined Where pharmaceutical companies need to invest their resources What can be done to solve core health challenges, including cancer, diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases How the pharmaceutical industry can regain public trust and resuscitate its image Our understanding of human health and disease grows daily; however, converting science into medicine is increasingly challenging. Reading Devalued and Distrusted, you"ll not only gain a greater appreciation of those challenges, but also the role that the pharmaceutical industry currently plays and can play in solving those challenges. Get to know the author: Read an interview with John LaMattina or watch a video on ChemistryViews! Interview: John LaMattina: 30 Years in Pharma Video: Can the Pharmaceutical Industry Restory its Broken Image?

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