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Michael A., Michael Allen`s 2012 e-Learning Annual

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781118175934

Описание книги

The field of e-learning continues to experience dramatic and turbulent growth. Over time, as technology has improved and the method"s real capabilities have emerged, e-learning has gained widespread acceptance and is now the fastest growing sector of corporate learning. As in years past, Michael Allen"s Annual offers a diverse and important collection that contains some of the most current insights and best practices that will help both educators and workplace learning leaders address issues of design and implementation, as well as strategy and culture. In addition, this new volume offers a diverse mix of content that spans the full spectrum of technology-based learning. Year after year, the Annual discusses emerging trends in social media; showcases e-learning innovation; presents contemporary- and best-practices; tackles big-picture, strategic issues; and provides a host of useful tips and techniques. Additional content is also available online. Praise for Michael Allen"s 2012 e-Learning Annual «Michael Allen"s Annual really is annual. I found new examples and provocative ideas—just what I was looking for.» —Allison Rossett, professor of educational technology, San Diego State University «Just another academic anthology? Hardly! Michael Allen has convinced e-learning"s super-heroes to join forces to crush complacency, demolish dogma, rewrite rules, streamline strategies, and light a brighter future for e-learning. Warning: The accumulated wisdom and original thinking of this elite team of designers, practitioners, consultants, and researchers will leave you dissatisfied with your current e-learning efforts and aching to put their ideas into play.» —William Horton, author, e-Learning by Design and consultant, William Horton Consulting «The real learning at conferences takes place in the hallways. This wonderful book is like eavesdropping on those conversations, except that Michael has put the top thinkers in our field in the hall for you.» —Jay Cross, chairman, Internet Time Alliance Nabeel Ahmad Clark Aldrich Bobbe Baggio Tony Bingham Julia Bulkowski Bryan Chapman Phil Cowcill Allan Henderson Peter Isackson Cheryl Johnson Cathy King Leslie Kirshaw Tina Kunshier David Metcalf Corinne Miller Craig Montgomerie Frank Nguyen Maria Plakhotnik Tonette Rocco Anita Rosen Patti Shank Clive Shepherd Martyn Sloman Belinda Smith Susan Smith Nash Ken Spero Carla Torgerson Thomas Toth Reuben Tozman Marc Weinstein

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