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Главная  » Тематика определяется » Effects of Persistent and Bioactive Organic Pollutants on Human Health

David C., Effects of Persistent and Bioactive Organic Pollutants on Human Health

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781118679494

Описание книги

Examines what we know about the relationship between organic chemicals and human disease Organic chemicals are everywhere: in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. They are also found in a myriad of common household and personal care products. Unfortunately, exposure to some organic chemicals can result in adverse health effects, from growth and developmental disorders to cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. This book examines how organic chemicals affect human health. It looks at the different diseases as well as how individual organ systems are affected by organic chemicals. Effects of Persistent and Bioactive Organic Pollutants on Human Health begins with an introductory chapter explaining why we should care about organic chemicals and their effect on human health. Next, the authors address such important topics as: Burden of cancer from organic chemicals Organic chemicals and obesity Effects of organic chemicals on the male reproductive system Organic chemicals and the immune system Intellectual developmental disability syndromes and organic chemicals Mental illness and exposure to organic chemicals The book ends with an assessment of how much human disease is caused by organic chemicals. Chapters have been contributed by leading international experts in public and environmental health and are based on the latest research findings. Readers will find that all of the contributions are clear and easy to comprehend, with extensive references for further investigation of individual topics. Effects of Persistent and Bioactive Organic Pollutants on Human Health is recommended for students and professionals in medicine as well as public and environmental health, bringing them fully up to date with what we know about the relationship between organic chemicals and human health.

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