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The T., The Marketing Century. How Marketing Drives Business and Shapes Society

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781119993599

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Written to celebrate the Institute"s centenary, The Marketing Century explains: how the key elements of marketing have developed; how the various aspects of marketing contribute to performance; what it is that great marketers do; and how the discipline of marketing may develop in the future. While The Marketing Century describes the years since 1911 it also describes the 21st Century: a time when the ability to understand and connect with customers is more rewarding, complex and valuable than ever. It explains: The three forces shaping the past, present and future of marketing: globalization, technology and ethics How people behave and connect – and how businesses can benefit from these insights The need to manage for the long-term as well as the short-term Marketing"s impact on business strategy and leadership The last 100 years have seen a rapid rise in the impact of marketing. It is an activity which has grown in scope and significance, with more people than ever before now engaged in the exciting, fast-changing world of marketing. The development of the Chartered Institute of Marketing closely reflects the growth and progress of business in general and marketing in particular. Just as marketing has developed as an activity that is highly valued, varied and vital in its contribution to business success, so the Institute’s work has expanded as an indispensable source of insight, guidance and practical support. The Marketing Century provides expert analysis of some of the most significant developments in marketing of the last 100 years – and the next 100. Each chapter looks at the past, present and future of a different area of marketing, with chapters covering: Strategic Marketing (Martha Rogers and Don Peppers) Customer Relationship Management (Merlin Stone) Segmentation (Malcolm McDonald) Innovation (John Saunders and Veronica Wong) Public Relations (Paul Mylrea) Branding (Graham Hales) Advertising (Jonathan Gabay) Digital Marketing (Philip Sheldrake) Sales and Business Development (Beth Rogers) Sustainability (John Grant) Internal Marketing (Keith Glanfield) Social Marketing (Paul White and Veronica Sharp) Each chapter explains: How the subject has developed What is currently ‘best practice’ How this aspect of marketing connects with other topics The influences and trends shaping the future

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