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Cooper A., Fundamentals of Silicon Carbide Technology

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781118313541

Описание книги

A comprehensive introduction and up-to-date reference to SiC power semiconductor devices covering topics from material properties to applications Based on a number of breakthroughs in SiC material science and fabrication technology in the 1980s and 1990s, the first SiC Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) were released as commercial products in 2001. The SiC SBD market has grown significantly since that time, and SBDs are now used in a variety of power systems, particularly switch-mode power supplies and motor controls. SiC power MOSFETs entered commercial production in 2011, providing rugged, high-efficiency switches for high-frequency power systems. In this wide-ranging book, the authors draw on their considerable experience to present both an introduction to SiC materials, devices, and applications and an in-depth reference for scientists and engineers working in this fast-moving field. Fundamentals of Silicon Carbide Technology covers basic properties of SiC materials, processing technology, theory and analysis of practical devices, and an overview of the most important systems applications. Specifically included are: A complete discussion of SiC material properties, bulk crystal growth, epitaxial growth, device fabrication technology, and characterization techniques. Device physics and operating equations for Schottky diodes, pin diodes, JBS/MPS diodes, JFETs, MOSFETs, BJTs, IGBTs, and thyristors. A survey of power electronics applications, including switch-mode power supplies, motor drives, power converters for electric vehicles, and converters for renewable energy sources. Coverage of special applications, including microwave devices, high-temperature electronics, and rugged sensors. Fully illustrated throughout, the text is written by recognized experts with over 45 years of combined experience in SiC research and development. This book is intended for graduate students and researchers in crystal growth, material science, and semiconductor device technology. The book is also useful for design engineers, application engineers, and product managers in areas such as power supplies, converter and inverter design, electric vehicle technology, high-temperature electronics, sensors, and smart grid technology.

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