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Robert M., Display Interfaces

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9780470846148

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Display technology is evolving at an impressive rate with LCD and flat panel technologies gaining an increasing market share over traditional CRT display applications. Focusing on the development of new industry standards, this timely exposition of display systems and applications covers display timings, interfaces, specifications, measurement procedures and all forms of display control and identification. Reviews interface and graphics subsystem standards, including FPDI (Flat Panel Display Interface), P&D (Plug and Display) and Intel"s Digital Video Interface (DVI) Compares and contrasts current and future developments of television and computer industry standards Describes the major new display system applications (HDTV, notebook computer, cellphone, cockpit instrumentation etc) and illustrates how user needs have dictated technological requirements (eg power, size and bistability) Provides an accessible treatment of current and future display device development, including guidance on selecting devices gor particular applications Designed to meet the needs of professionals using and implementing display technologies and as a reference for those developing new display systems, this text is a valuable resource for display technology developers and system integrators, video graphics interface engineers and professionals. The comprehensive coverage of this leading edge topic makes it also of interest to postgraduate students in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. The Society for Information Display (SID) is an international society, which has the aim of encouraging the development of all aspects of the field of information display. Complementary to the aims of the society, the Wiley-SID series is intended to explain the latest developments in information display technology at a professional level. The broad scope of the series addresses all facets of information displays from technical aspects through systems and prototypes to standards and ergonomics

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