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King K., Blueprints To Building Your Own Voice-Over Studio

Tektime S.r.l.s., , 9788835431763

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This book is a dummies guide to helping you develop the tools you will need for PROFESSIONAL VOICE-OVER WORK. This field is huge! You supply the talent and I’ll show you what to do with it. These are Blueprints; step-by-step plans, showing you exactly how to build your own Vocal Home Studio. It is filled with colour photos, measurement conversions and technical plans that will show you exactly how to build this important tool of the trade. The key thing to always bear in mind with voice acting and audio works is to fight the chief enemy of recordings… and that is ‘noise’. Electronic hum, fan noise, bumps, bangs, bad weather, echos and lawnmowers… whatever. So, I’ve developed a small recording space that gives you plenty of room to gesture wildly within as you articulate that most dramatic audio book, and yet you can still get up, close and personal, with the microphone to create your own take on, the "Voice of God’, for that movie trailer you might be cast for. This book is a dummies guide to helping you develop the tools you will need for PROFESSIONAL VOICE-OVER WORK. This field is huge! You supply the talent and I’ll show you what to do with it. These are Blueprints; step-by-step plans, showing you exactly how to build your own Vocal Home Studio. It is filled with colour photos, measurement conversions and technical plans that will show you exactly how to build this important tool of the trade. (hr)The key thing to always bear in mind with voice acting and audio works is to fight the chief enemy of recordings… and that is ‘noise’. Electronic hum, fan noise, bumps, bangs, bad weather, echos and lawnmowers… whatever. So, I’ve developed a small recording space that gives you plenty of room to gesture wildly within as you articulate that most dramatic audio book, and yet you can still get up, close and personal, with the microphone to create your own take on, the "Voice of God’, for that movie trailer you might be cast for. And don’t forget there is equipment you’ll need to share that space with as well. This Home Studio Space, or Booth, is a solid, well built and designed with all of these considerations in mind. (hr)This is filled with tips and advice throughout and will take you from woe – to go, in this very busy gold mine of talented narrators and voice actors.

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