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Тацит П.К., Agricola and Germany

серия: Oxford World`s Classics
OUP General, Oxford University Press, 2009 г., 224 стр., 978-0-199-53926-0

Описание книги

Cornelius Tacitus, Rome's greatest historian and the last major writer of classical Latin prose, produced his first two books in AD 98. He was inspired to take up his pen when the assassination of Domitian ended 'fifteen years of enforced silence'. These first products were brief: the biography of his late father-in-law Julius Agricola and an account of Rome's most dangerous enemies, the Germans. As governor for seven years, Agricola had completed the conquest of Britain and much of Tacitus' biography is devoted to the country and its people. Germany is the only surviving specimen from the ancient world of an ethnographic study. Each of these early works has had immense influence on our perception of Rome and the northern 'barbarians'.. "This newly translated edition reflects recent research in Roman-British and Roman-German history, including recently discovered evidence on Tacitus' early career.

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Об авторе

Тацит П.К.
Публий или Гай Корне?лий Тацит (лат. Publius Cornelius Tacitus или Gaius Cornelius Tacitus) — древнеримский историк (ок. 56 — ок. 117 н. э.). Родился, предположительно, в южной Галлии, в знатной семье. Получил образование, затем поступил на государственную службу, последовательно занимая, в частности, посты квестора, претора и консула. В 98 г. опубликовал трактат «О происхождении германцев и местоположении Германии» (De origine, moribus ac situ Germanorum). Затем в период с 98 по 116 г. создаёт два своих главных произведения — «Историю» (Historiae) (из 14 книг, охватывающих период с 69 по 96 гг., сохранились книги I—IV и частично V) и «Анналы» (Annalium ab excessu divi Augusti) (16 книг, охватывающих период с 14 по 68 г; сохранились книги I—IV и частично V, VI, XI и XVI).

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