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Long R., Vallath M., Vengurlekar N., Oracle Automatic Storage Management: Under-the-Hood & Practical Deployment Guide

серия: Osborne ORACLE Press Series
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 2008 г., 368 стр., 978-0-07-149607-0

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Streamline data management and provisioning using Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) and the detailed information contained in this exclusive Oracle Press resource. Written by a team of database experts, Oracle Automatic Storage Management: Under-the-Hood & Practical Deployment Guide explains how to build and maintain a dynamic, highly available Oracle database storage environment. Inside, you'll learn how to configure storage for Oracle ASM, build disk groups, use data striping and mirroring, and optimize performance. You'll also learn how to ensure consistency across server and storage platforms, maximize data redundancy, and administer Oracle ASM from the command line. Manage Oracle ASM Instances and configure Oracle RDBMS instances to leverage Oracle ASM; Define, discover, and manage disk storage under Oracle ASM; Create external, normal-redundancy, and high-redundancy disk groups; Add and remove Oracle ASM storage without...

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