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Посетители сайта довольно часто используют в поиске тему "tomcat" и проявили интерес к следующим книгам:

Java SOAP для профессионалов Бекет Г.
Java SOAP для профессионалов
SOAP (Простой протокол доступа к объектам) является новой технологией для распределенных приложений в основе служб Web. Используя XML, SOAP обеспечивает независимую от платформы и языка реализации коммуникацию между приложениями - совершенно новый подход к созданию приложений....
Apache Tomcat для профессионалов (пер. с англ. Астраханцева А.В.) Бакор А. Бхаттачарьи Д. Бхаттачарья С.
Apache Tomcat для профессионалов (пер. с англ. Астраханцева А.В.)

Эта книга посвящена Tomcat - веб-серверу с открытым исходным кодом, который обрабатывает JavaServer Pages и Java сервлеты. В ней рассказывается, как инсталлировать и конфигурировать Tomcat. Вы узнаете, как интегрировать Tomcat и Apache (и о ситуациях, когда вам следует и не следует это делать), как настраивать подключения к базе данных через JDBC и как убедиться, что ваши приложения защищены ...

Java сервлеты и JSP. Сборник рецептов Перри Б.
Java сервлеты и JSP. Сборник рецептов

Данная книга написана экспертом в области Java, имеющим многолетний опыт практических разработок с использованием технологий Java Servlet и JSP.
В книге приведены решения проблем, с которыми приходится сталкиваться web-разработчикам на Java ...

Самолеты. Иллюстрированная история Винчестер Д. Джексон Р.
Самолеты. Иллюстрированная история
История и пути развития военной авиации в течение последних 100 лет.
Подробные характеристики моделей боевых самолетов разных государств, позволяющие провести их сравнение по весу, размерам, вооружению и боевым качествам. Цветные иллюстрации, дающие детальное сравнение самых известных моделей самолетов ...
JavaServer Faces. Библиотека профессионала Гери Д. Хорстманн К.С.
JavaServer Faces. Библиотека профессионала
Книга содержит исчерпывающие сведения по созданию веб-приложений на основе технологии JavaServer™ Faces (JSF)....
The Master and Margarita Bulgakov M.
The Master and Margarita
Surely no stranger work exists in the annals of protest literature than \\\"The Master and Margarita\\\". Written during the Soviet crackdown of the 1930s, when Mikhail Bulgakov\"s works were effectively banned, it wraps its anti-Stalinist message in a complex allegory of good and evil. Or would that be the other way around?...
Самолеты. Иллюстрированная история Винчестер Д. Джексон Р.
Самолеты. Иллюстрированная история
История и пути развития военной авиации в течение последних 100 лет. Подробные характеристики моделей боевых самолетов разных государств, позволяющие провести их сравнение по весу, размерам, вооружению и боевым качествам. Цветные иллюстрации, дающие детальное сравнение самых известных моделей самолетов....
Node.js. Разработка серверных веб-приложений на JavaScript Хэррон Д.
Node.js. Разработка серверных веб-приложений на JavaScript
Первая книга по Node.js - революционной среде для разработки серверных приложений на JavaScript! Архитектурные решения в Node.js для повышения производительности и пропускной способности. Установка и эксплуатация Node.js. Каркасы разработки приложений Connect и Express. Работа с базами данных....
The Amazing Maurice And His Educated Rodents (на английском языке) Pratchett T. (Пратчетт Т.)
The Amazing Maurice And His Educated Rodents (на английском языке)
Издание полностью на английском языке. Every town on Discworld knows the stories about rats and pipers, and Maurice - a streetwise tomcat - leads a band of educated ratty friends (and a stupid kid) on a nice little earner. Piper plus rats equals lots and lots of money. Until they run across someone playing a different tune....
The Master and Margarita Mikhail B.
The Master and Margarita
The devil comes to Moscow wearing a fancy suit. With his disorderly band of accomplices - including a demonic, gun-toting tomcat - he immediately begins to create havoc. Disappearances, destruction and death spread through the city like wildfire and......
The Master and Margarita Bulgakov M.
The Master and Margarita
Amazon.comSurely no stranger work exists in the annals of protest literature than The Master and Margarita . Written during the Soviet crackdown of the 1930s, when Mikhail Bulgakov\'s works were effectively banned, it wraps its anti-Stalinist message in a complex allegory of good and evil. Or would that be the other way around?...
The Master And Margarita Bulgakov M.
The Master And Margarita
The devil with his retinue, a poet incarcerated in a mental institution for speaking the truth, and a startling re-creation of the story of Pontius Pilate, constitute the elements out of which Mikhail Bulgakov wove The Master and Margarita, the......
Programming Web Services With SOAP Kulchenko P. Snell J. Tidwell D.
Programming Web Services With SOAP
The web services architecture provides a new standard for building distributed Web-based applications across a network....
Special Edition Using Java Server Pages and Servlets Wutka M.
Special Edition Using Java Server Pages and Servlets
Special Edition Using JSP and Servlets starts by detailing the evolution of web servers that led to the creation of ASP and JSP. It explains both the limitations of previous technologies and the benefits that JSP provides including platform independence....
JavaServer Pages Developer's Handbook Szolkowski M. Todd N.
JavaServer Pages Developer's Handbook
JavaServer Pages Developer\'s Handbook gives practical, in-depth implementation advice on building robust JSP applications. Learn how to use JSP within enterprise Java applications, and when working with databases and Enterprise JavaBeans. Incorporate JSP tag libraries and frameworks, including Struts, to simplify page construction....
Tomcat 5 Unleashed (Unleashed) Moczar L.
Tomcat 5 Unleashed (Unleashed)
Tomcat is the most widely used Java-based Web application server available, and the latest version, Tomcat 5.x, has a variety of features that allow developers and administrators to create and maintain sophisticated enterprise-level Web applications....
JavaServer Pages, 3rd Edition Bergsten H.
JavaServer Pages, 3rd Edition
JavaServer Pages (JSP) has built a huge following since the release of JSP 1.0 in 1999, providing Enterprise Java developers with a flexible tool for development of dynamic web sites and web applications....
Apache: The Definitive Guide (3rd Edition) Laurie B. Laurie P.
Apache: The Definitive Guide (3rd Edition)
Apache is far and away the most widely used web server platform in the world. This versatile server runs more than half of the world\'s existing web sites. Apache is both free and rock-solid, running more than 21 million web sites ranging from huge e-commerce operations to corporate intranets and smaller hobby sites....
Sams Teach Yourself Apache 2 in 24 Hours Lopez D.
Sams Teach Yourself Apache 2 in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself Apache in 24 Hours covers the installation, configuration, and ongoing administration of the Apache Web server, the most popular Internet Web server. It covers both the 1.3 and the new 2.0 versions of Apache. Using a hands-on, task-oriented format, it concentrates on the most popular features and common quirks of the server....
How Tomcat Works Kurniawan B.
How Tomcat Works
Book Description How Tomcat Works is the only book that explains the internal workings of Tomcat, the open source project used by millions of Java developers. Unlike other Tomcat titles, it is unique because it does not simply covers the configuration or servlet development with Tomcat....
Mac OS X for Java Geeks Iverson W.
Mac OS X for Java Geeks
Mac OS X for Java Geeks delivers a complete and detailed look at the Mac OS X platform, geared specifically at Java developers. The book begins by laying out the Mac OS X tool set, from the included Java Runtime Environment to third-party tools IDEs and Jakarta Ant....
J2EE Open Source Toolkit : Building an Enterprise Platform with Open Source Tools (Java Open Source Library) Bell J. Lambros J. Ng S.
J2EE Open Source Toolkit : Building an Enterprise Platform with Open Source Tools (Java Open Source Library)
* The first book that shows how to harness the full power of open-source tools to build a free J2EE development platform without using any commercial products * Tools covered include Apache Tomcat, Struts, Jetspeed, MySQL, Joram, and jBoss * Shows developers how to integrate all of the most popular open-source tools into a single, integrated platfo...
Mastering Tomcat Development Harrison P. McFarland I.
Mastering Tomcat Development
Learn how to use Tomcat to quickly build more sophisticated Web applications This comprehensive introduction to developing complex Web applications using Tomcat and related Apache Jakarta technologies examines everything you need to know about Tomcat 4--the popular, award-winning server for implementing and deploying servlets and JavaServer Pages....
Java Extreme Programming Cookbook Burke E. Coyner B.
Java Extreme Programming Cookbook
Brimming with over 100 \"recipes\" for getting down to business and actually doing XP, the Java Extreme Programming Cookbook doesn\'t try to \"sell\" you on XP; it succinctly documents the most important features of popular open source tools for XP in Java-- including Ant, Junit, HttpUnit, Cactus, Tomcat, XDoclet-- and then digs right in, providing...
Sams Teach Yourself JavaServer Pages 2.0 in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit with Apache Tomcat Mittal K. Moffet A. Wutka M.
Sams Teach Yourself JavaServer Pages 2.0 in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit with Apache Tomcat
In JavaServer Pages 2.0, Sun has added new features that make it even easier to create dynamic, interactive Web pages in Java. These include a built-in expression language and a library of tags (the JSP Standard Tag Library) that facilitate creation of pages. Sams Teach Yourself JavaServer Pages 2....
SCWCD Exam Study Kit: Java Web Component Developer Certification Deshmukh H. Malavia J.
SCWCD Exam Study Kit: Java Web Component Developer Certification
Aimed at helping Java developers, Servlet/JSP developers, and J2EE developers pass the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam (SCWCD), this guide covers all the important aspects of the Servlet and JSP technology including Design Patterns and Filters....
Java SOAP Бекет Г.
SOAP (Простой протокол доступа к объектам) является новой технологией для распределенных приложений в основе служб Web. Используя XML, SOAP обеспечивает независимую от платформы и языка реализации коммуникацию между приложениями - совершенно новый подход к созданию приложений....
The Master and Margarita Булгаков М.А
The Master and Margarita
The devil comes to Moscow wearing a fancy suit. With his disorderly band of accomplices - including a demonic, gun-toting tomcat - he immediately begins to create havoc. Disappearances, destruction and death spread through the city like wildfire and Margarita discovers that her lover has vanished in the chaos....
Shadow of the Vampuss Mahony K.
Shadow of the Vampuss
Deep in the mountains of Transylvania, there lives the last representative of a dying breed, Felis catus vampirus, also known as the...Vampuss! When young tomcat Jonathan Harker calls upon the reclusive Count Scratchula, he\'s led to believe it\'s just another business deal....
Illustrated Guide to Naval Aircraft Crosby F.
Illustrated Guide to Naval Aircraft
An A to Z directory of all the major naval aircraft of the world, from shipborne fighters and bombers to helicopters and flying boats. Features a directory of over 130 aircraft with 670 identification photographs....
Professional Apache Tomcat 6 Chopra V. Genender J. Li S.
Professional Apache Tomcat 6
With this comprehensive resource, you\'ll uncover the ins-and-outs of installing, configuring, and running the Apache Tomcat server. This book not only provides a line-by-line analysis of configuration options, but also explores the features and capabilities of Tomcat....
Corgiville Fair Tudor T.
Corgiville Fair
In Corgiville, as in many small towns all over America, the biggest event of the year is the fair. And the most exciting thing at the Corgiville Fair is the goat race. Caleb Corgi has spent months training his goat, Josephine, for the big event....
Gila Descending: A Southwestern Journey Salmon M.
Gila Descending: A Southwestern Journey
Herein is the remarkable story of a 200 mile wilderness journey down the Gila River of New Mexico and Arizona. Travelling partly on foot, mostly by canoe, the author was accompanied by a hound dog and a tomcat....
Hairy Maclary Scattercat Dodd L.
Hairy Maclary Scattercat
\\\"Hairy Maclary felt bumptious and bustly, bossy and bouncy and frisky and hustly\\\" Hairy Maclary, everyone\"s favourite dog, is busy chasing and hustling all the neighbourhood cats from Slinky Malinki to Pimpernel Pugh....
Hairy Maclary Scattercat Dodd L.
Hairy Maclary Scattercat
\"Hairy Maclary felt bumptious and bustly, bossy and bouncy and frisky and hustly\". Hairy Maclary, everyone\'s favourite dog, is busy chasing and hustling all the neighbourhood cats from Slinky Malinki to Pimpernel Pugh....
The Amazing Maurice And His Educated Rodents Pratchett T. (Пратчетт Т.)
The Amazing Maurice And His Educated Rodents
Imagine a million clever rats. Rats that don’t run. Rats that fight… Maurice, a scruffy tomcat with an eye for the main chance, has the perfect fiddle going. He has a stupid-looking kid for a piper, and he has his very own plague of rats – rats who......
EJB 3 в действии Купрак Р. Панда Д. Рахман Р. Ремижан М.
EJB 3 в действии
Фреймворк EJB 3 предоставляет стандартными способ оформления прикладной логики в виде управляемых модулей, которые выполняются на стороне сервера, упрощая тем самым создание, сопровождение и расширение приложений Java ЕЕ. Версия EJB 3....
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents Pratchett P. Terry T.
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents
It\'s a rat-eat-rat world . . . Every town on Discworld knows the stories about rats and pipers, and Maurice - a streetwise tomcat with his very own plague of rats - has the perfect insider-dealing scam going. Until he runs across someone playing a different tune. Now he and his rats must learn a new concept: evil....
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents Pratchett P. Terry T.
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents
Maurice, a streetwise tomcat, has the perfect money-making scam. Everyone knows the stories about rats and pipers, and Maurice has a stupid-looking kid with a pipe, and his very own plague of rats - strangely educated rats . . . But in Bad Blintz, the little con suddenly goes down the drain....
In-Silico Analysis of Lactoferrin Rana S. Sharma R.
In-Silico Analysis of Lactoferrin
The study was conducted to develop Lactoferrin and TonB dependent receptor database, prediction of lactoferrin like proteins in plant and other resources, feasible prediction of Lactoferrin like sequences including domain and motif of theses sequences and ancestral relationship of these proteins with lactoferrin using phylogenetic analysis....
Dynamic WAP Application Development Ahmed J.
Dynamic WAP Application Development
At present, one of the latest computing technologies that seem to change the view of the modern world is mobile Internet. Now wireless applications are more popular among the users and the organizations....
GUISET:Design Of Grid-Based Portals For E-Commerce On-Demand Services Odusote B.
GUISET:Design Of Grid-Based Portals For E-Commerce On-Demand Services
This work presents a framework for the design and development a grid-enabled portal prototype for a Grid-based Utility Infrastructure for SMME-enabling Technology (GUISET) initiative – a utility computing platform....
Fundamentals Of Web Technologies Veeraswamy A.
Fundamentals Of Web Technologies
HTML(Hypertext Markup Language)is a scripting language which is used to create web pages. If you are thinking of creating your own web pages, you need to know at least basic HTML. Fundamentals of Web Technologies are specially designed as a textbook for basic learners for design a Web page....
Военные самолеты. Легендарные модели от Первой мировой войны до наших дней Риккардо Н.
Военные самолеты. Легендарные модели от Первой мировой войны до наших дней
Вы держите в руках книгу, в которой изложены все основные этапы развития военных самолетов и раскладывающуюся книгу-вкладыш с 40 самыми знаменитыми моделями летательных аппаратов, созданных со времен Первой мировой войны и до наших дней. Каждая ее......
Miami Spring Timothy T.
Miami Spring
Cameron Bachrodt is a regular City of Miami robbery detective putting in his time and waiting for retirement. But during Calle Ocho the events that are so typical of Miami engulf him in a tide of intrigue and deception. People are being killed all around him and at first it looks like he might have gone bad....
A Few Good Fish Amy L.
A Few Good Fish
Fish Out of Water: Book ThreeA tomcat, a psychopath, and a psychic walk into the desert to rescue the men they love…. Can everybody make it out with their skin intact? PI Jackson Rivers and Defense Attorney Ellery Cramer have barely recovered from last November, when stopping a serial killer nearly destroyed Jackson in both body and spirit....
Tomcat Tompkins Julian W.
Tomcat Tompkins
Tomcat Tompkins blames the East Europeans for all the ills in the world – or the UK – as that’s all the world he’s interested in and he works hard to find them and send them home. They bring no good, in Tomcat’s opinion and he has his reasons....
Waltzing With Tumbleweeds. A Collection of Western Short Stories Richards D.
Waltzing With Tumbleweeds. A Collection of Western Short Stories
From the windswept plains and dusty streets of Dodge City, to the rocky arroyos of Arizona’s Verde Valley, to the early summer green of the Little Bighorn Valley, these small gems give the reader a taste of all that made up the West....