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Книги серии «Quirky Classics»

The Owl and the Pussy Сat and Other Nonsense Poetry Lear E.
The Owl and the Pussy Сat and Other Nonsense Poetry
Contains original illustrations by the author Written for the poet John Addington Symonds\"s young daughter Janet while she was ill and confined to her bed, \"The Owl and the Pussycat\" sees the two enamoured animals sail away in a boat \\\"for a year and a day / To the land with the bong tree grows\\\", where they get married....
1947 руб.
A Book of Nonsense Lear E.
A Book of Nonsense
Contains original illustrations by the author First published in 1846 under the pseudonym \\\"Old Derry down Derry\\\", A Book of Nonsense is a collection adapted from the limericks and illustrations Edward Lear created to amuse the grandchildren of Lord Stanley, 13th Earl of Derby, while he was staying with the family at Knowsley Hall....
1947 руб.
Directions to Servants Swift J.
Directions to Servants
A tongue-in-cheek manual on how servants should cope with the demands of their masters and perform their tasks in ways that will best satisfy their indolence, wastefulness and greed, Directions to Servants takes a caustic and irreverent look at master-servant relations....
1947 руб.
A Modest Proposal and Other Writings Swift J.
A Modest Proposal and Other Writings
In response to the dire economic conditions in eighteenth-century Ireland, A Modest Proposal ironically exhorts the poor to provide their offspring as food to the rich....
1947 руб.
The Decay of Lying Wilde O.
The Decay of Lying
In the library of a country house in Nottinghamshire, Vivian is writing an article about the importance of lying, when he is interrupted by Cyril, who tries to tempt him away, but instead is drawn into a discussion about art, nature, literature and imagination....
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On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts de Q.
On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts
In this dispassionate analysis of the act of murder, De Quincey\"s innovative, idio­syncratic artistic vision found space for gruesome reportage, satire, aesthetic and literary criticism, in a work strewn with examples ranging from antiquity to his own time, including the urban serial-killer John Williams....
1947 руб.
The Wonderful Wonder of Wonders Swift J.
The Wonderful Wonder of Wonders
A glorious exercise in cheeky punmanship, The Wonderful Wonder of Wonders sees Jonathan Swift in fine scatological form. Flying by the seat of his pants, the great author treats us to a condensed biography of his posterior, enlivened by some inspired......
1947 руб.
Death of a Civil Servant Chekhov A.
Death of a Civil Servant
In The Death of a Civil Servant, an administrative clerk accidentally sneezes on a hierarchical superior at the opera, which results in great embarrassment and hilarious and futile attempts at atonement. The other short stories included in this......
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Dictionary of Received Ideas Flaubert G.
Dictionary of Received Ideas
A spoof encyclopedia of contemporary accepted wisdom and commonplaces, the Dictionary of Received Ideas sees Flaubert at his witty and satirical best....
1947 руб.
The Benefit of Farting Swift J.
The Benefit of Farting
What is the nature, essence and definition of a fart? What are the consequences and disadvantages of suppressing one? Why is farting considered to be taboo? Swift\"s The Benefit of Farting argues eloquently, in a forceful a posteriori fashion, that most of the distempers thought to affect the fairer sex are due to flatulences not adequately vented....
1947 руб.
The Battle of the Books Swift J.
The Battle of the Books
Inspired by Boileau\"s Lutrin and illustrating the debate within European intellectual circles between the Ancients, who argued that all essential knowledge was to be found in classical texts, and the Moderns, who claimed that contemporary......
1947 руб.
Aphorisms And Thoughts Bonaparte N.
Aphorisms And Thoughts
Spurred by a lifelong fascination with the great emperor, French novelist Honore de Balzac set himself the painstaking task of collecting a selection of Napoleon\"s aphorisms from his public speeches and the gazettes of the time. Arranged into......
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The Life of Our Lord Dickens C. (Диккенс Ч.)
The Life of Our Lord
Never published in its author\"s lifetime and intended solely for his own children, to whom he read it every Christmas, The Life of Our Lord is an accessible and gently humorous take on the life of Jesus Christ and his teachings.Far removed from......
1726 руб.