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Прочие науки о Земле

  Описание тематики книг: Общие вопросы. Земля (описание планеты). История наук о земле. Прочие (не выделенные) науки о Земле

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Геоклиматический прогноз и анализ. Выпуск 2
Геоклиматический прогноз и анализ. Выпуск 2
В сборнике представлены материалы научно-практического семинара «Геоклиматическое прогнозирование: возможности и ограничения. Практика и теория», проходившего 26-27 октября 2013 года в Минске под руководством П.П.Глобы....
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Геоклиматический прогноз и анализ. Выпуск 1
Геоклиматический прогноз и анализ. Выпуск 1
Адресуется астрологам, метеорологам, климатологам, сейсмологам. Некоторые аспекты книги будут интересны всем, кто интересуется естествознанием. В сборнике представлены материалы научно-практического семинара \\\"Геоклиматическое прогнозирование: возможности и ограничения....
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Геоклиматический прогноз и анализ. Выпуск 3
Геоклиматический прогноз и анализ. Выпуск 3
В сборнике представлены материалы научно-практической конференции \\\"Геоклиматическое прогнозирование: возможности и ограничения. Практика и теория\\\", проходившей 26-27 сентября 2014 года в Минске под руководством П.П.Глоба....
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Метеоинформатика. Геомагнитные вариации и космическая погода. Монография Воробьев А.А. Воробьева Г.Н.
Метеоинформатика. Геомагнитные вариации и космическая погода. Монография
Книга посвящена новой области знания ? метеоинформатике. Формулируются цели, задачи, методы и аксиомы метеоинформатики, описывается ее связь с другими науками....
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Seasonal Changes in Waterfowl Community of Clifton Coast, Karachi
Seasonal Changes in Waterfowl Community of Clifton Coast, Karachi
Seasonal changes in population dynamics of waterfowl species of the Clifton coast, Karachi, Pakistan was studied for a period of four years. Waterfowl species were classified on the basis of guild structure in order to gather information on foraging habits, diurnal rhythms and diet preference....
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Effect of Water on the Compressive Strength of Bituminous Mixes
Effect of Water on the Compressive Strength of Bituminous Mixes
Bitumen is widely used for the construction of wearing course of flexible pavement. Strength of bituminous mix reduced by the loss of adhesive bonds resulting from the action of water....
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Valuation of Watershed and Fisheries of Lake Tana
Valuation of Watershed and Fisheries of Lake Tana
Environmental valuation has become so essential for optimal decision making. Different valuation techniques have been applied to know the value of environmental goods and services. Most importantly, methods of valuation based on the stated preference approach are employed to value the non marketed environmental benefits....
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Economic Incentives for Improved and Sustainable Water Management
Economic Incentives for Improved and Sustainable Water Management
Water and life are closely linked. This has been known throughout history and it is still the issue with specialists today. Water has always been scarce in Palestine, but growing populations place ever-increasing demands on the limited resources of water. Competing demands for water may lead to disputes between consumers and nations....
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Energy Production from Wastewater in Austria and Finland
Energy Production from Wastewater in Austria and Finland
The search for possibilities to save energy and find new energy production opportunities is an important aspect in discussing the climate protection. Up to now, the heat which is stored in wastewater is not used. Wastewater heat recovery offers a resource saving, clean and cheap option of energy production in urban areas....
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Watershed Modeling and Management
Watershed Modeling and Management
Watershed models simulate natural processes of the flow of water, chemicals, nutrients, and microbial organisms within watersheds, as well as quantify the impact of human activities on these processes. Simulation of these processes plays a fundamental role in addressing a range of water resources, environmental, and social problems....
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Geo-Chemical Characterization of Groundwater
Geo-Chemical Characterization of Groundwater
Ground water is the most important source of fresh water supply for drinking and domestic purposes (97%) in Bangladesh. This study was conducted on geochemical characterization of groundwater in Jessore Municipality area which is situated in the southwestern part of Bangladesh and central part of Jessore District with an area of 24.6 sq. km....
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River water is the most important source of fresh water supply for drinking and domestic purposes (97%) in Bangladesh. This study was conducted on Physico- chemical condition of river Sandhya situated in the southern part of Bangladesh and southwestern part of Pirojpur District....
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Knowledge-based system for river water quality management
Knowledge-based system for river water quality management
KBS-RWQ show how best to classify rivers and embark on necessary strategic decisions. Load duration curve has been identified as one of the assessment tool that offers a practical approach to watershed management....
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Sustainable Irrigation Management with Reclaimed Water
Sustainable Irrigation Management with Reclaimed Water
In this thesis, the first investigation into reclaimed water was on lemon trees (Chapter II). The aim of this work was to study the effects of reclaimed water on lemon tree performance....
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Effect of Greywater on Different Cultivars of Warm-season Turfgrasses
Effect of Greywater on Different Cultivars of Warm-season Turfgrasses
Water is an extremely precious commodity. Clean, abundant and affordable water does not exist in many parts of the world today. Water shortage is one of the most important limitations of life, agriculture and industries. All the signs suggest that water crisis is getting worse and will continue to do so, unless corrective action is taken....
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