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Guagliumi S., Handmade for the Garden

2014 г., 208 стр., 9781617690976

Описание книги

The DIY craze has moved beyond the craft room, into the kitchen and outside to the garden. In Handmade for the Garden, Susan Guagliumi shares a treasure trove of original projects that she has been perfecting over the last 10 years in her garden. Relying on easy-to-find and repurposed materials, Guagliumi presents projects that not only make planting and growing efficient and successful but also add a personal touch to the garden-scape. Among the more than 50 DIY projects are newspaper seedling pots; mini hothouses; painted, stamped and stenciled terracotta pots and mosaic stepping stones. Gardeners of all skills levels will be inspired to experiment with form and function to discover creative, artful ways to personalise and beautify their gardens with handmade objects.

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