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Garwood J.

Библиография книг автора

La Musica De Las Sombras Garwood J.
La Musica De Las Sombras
Agraciada con una belleza exquisita e hija de uno de los barones mas influyentes de Inglaterra, Gabrielle St. Biel es tambien un perfecto objeto de intercambio para el rey Juan, que necesita que la paz llegue a las Highlands. Con ese objetivo, ha arreglado el casamiento de Gabrielle con un terrateniente....
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Shadow Dance Garwood J.
Shadow Dance
Jordan Buchanan is thrilled that her brother and best friend are tying the knot. The wedding is a lavish affair-for the marriage of Dylan Buchanan and Kate MacKenna is no ordinary occasion. It represents the joining of two family dynasties. The ceremony and reception proceed without a hitch-until a crasher appears claiming to be a MacKenna guest....
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Fire and Ice Garwood J. Гарвуд Д.
Fire and Ice
Sophie Rose is a crime reporter at a major Chicago newspaper and the daughter of Bobby Rose, a charming gentleman and big-time thief. When asked to write an exposе about her notorious father, Sophie quits and goes to work at a small newspaper, covering local personalities such as William Harrington, the 5K runner whose trademark is red socks....
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Sizzle Garwood J. Гарвуд Д.
Lyra Prescott, a Los Angeles film student, is closing in on graduation and dives into work on her final filmmaking assignment: a documentary transformed by a twist of fate into a real-life horror film. While working on her project, a rash of mysterious incidents con...
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