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Hugo V.

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Les Miserables Hugo V.
Les Miserables
A brilliant modern translation by Christine Donougher of Victor Hugo\"s thrilling masterpiece, with an introduction by Robert Tombs. This is the best translation of the novel available in English, as recommended by David Bellos in The Novel of the Century....
3054 руб.
Les Miserables Hugo V.
Les Miserables
“The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” “So long as ignorance and poverty exist on earth, books of the nature of Les Miserables cannot fail to be of use,” says Victor Hugo in the preface of his famous novel....
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The Last Day of a Condemned Man Hugo V.
The Last Day of a Condemned Man
A first-person diary of a prisoner’s final day before being executed for an unspecified crime, Victor Hugo’s poignant tale vividly conveys the mental anguish of a man confronted with the intransigent mechanism of justice, as his mind seeks refuge in recollections from his past and philosophical musings on his inevitable fate....
1462 руб.
Les Miserables Hugo V.
Les Miserables
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process....
3727 руб.
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame Hugo V.
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Three men fall in love with the beautiful street dancer Esmerelda: the handsome Captain Phoebus, the wicked Archdeacon Frollo, and the hunchbacked bell-ringer Quasimodo....
2443 руб.
Notre-Dame de Paris Hugo V.
Notre-Dame de Paris
Под готическими сводами Собора Парижской Богоматери разворачивается драматичная история любви, одна из самых известных и роковых в истории литературы. Неадаптированное издание на французском языке....
от 1199 руб.
Les Miserables Hugo V.
Les Miserables
Tolstoy is said to have called Les Miserables the greatest novel ever written, and it exerted a powerful influence on the creation of War and Peace....
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Les Miserables Hugo V.
Les Miserables
Where there is love, there is hope. Accompanying a 6-part series on BBC One from the makers of War and Peace, and starring Dominic West, Lily Collins, David Oyelowo and Olivia Coleman, this edition of Les Miserables also has a foreword from screenwriter Andrew Davies (War and Peace, Pride and Prejudice)....
3830 руб.
Notre-Dame de Paris Hugo V.
Notre-Dame de Paris
More commonly known as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Victor Hugo\"s Romantic novel of dark passions and unrequited love, Notre-Dame de Paris, is translated with an introduction by John Sturrock in Penguin Classics. In the vaulted Gothic towers of Notre-Dame Cathedral lives Quasimodo, the hunchbacked bellringer....
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Ruy Blas Hugo V.
Ruy Blas
En 1838, Victor Hugo ecrit un drame flamboyant d\"audace, de fantaisie, de ravissement, de fureur politique. Depuis, le c?ur et la bravoure de Ruy Blas enthousiasment les generations. Au XVIIe siecle, a la cour d\"Espagne, dans les ruines d\"un empire qui s\"ecroule : pour se venger de sa disgrace, un ministre incite son valet a seduire la reine....
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Le Dernier Jour d`un condamne Hugo V.
Le Dernier Jour d`un condamne
Un requisitoire contre la peine de mort, suivi d’un parcours litteraire « Ecrire pour denoncer l’injustice ». Dans une edition conforme aux nouveaux programmes de francais en 2de, incluant notamment des prolongements artistiques et culturels et un dossier Nouveau bac....
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Pauca meae. Livre IV des Contemplations Hugo V.
Pauca meae. Livre IV des Contemplations
Victor Hugo Le 4 septembre 1843, la fille du grand ecrivain Victor Hugo, Leopoldine, se noie accidentellement a l\"age de 19 ans. C\"est la douleur de ce deuil qui irrigue le recueil des Contemplations, et particulierement le livre IV, \\\" Pauca me? \\\", que le poete dedie a sa fille tant aimee....
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Miserables Hugo V.
LES GRANDS TEXTES DU XIXe SIECLE. Jean Valjean comprend qu\"il ne pourra pas toujours garder Cosette aupres de lui. Marius s\"est epris d\"elle et la jeune fille s\"eveille a l\"amour. Eclate alors l\"insurrection de 1832....
1793 руб.
L`epopee de Gavroche (extrait des Miserables) Hugo V.
L`epopee de Gavroche (extrait des Miserables)
Bien sur vous connaissez Gavroche, le petit Parisien, avec ses mains enfoncees dans les poches d’un pantalon trop grand, sa gouaille et ses chansons ! Son image familiere est devenue un symbole de la ville qui l’abrite : Paris. Mais c’est dans le roman de Victor Hugo, Les Miserables, qu’il a commence a battre le pave....
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Le Dernier Jour d`un Condamne Hugo V.
Le Dernier Jour d`un Condamne
Victor Hugo nous fait entrer dans la tete d’un condamne a mort qui attend son execution. On ignore qui il est, quel crime il a commis. Car l’auteur ne veut pas debattre mais montrer l’horreur et l’absurdite de la situation....
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