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Puzo M.

Библиография книг автора

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Der Pate Puzo M.
Der Pate
Ein mitrei?ender Mafia-Thriller. Der kleine Vito entkommt als einziger einem Massaker in seinem Heimatort auf Sizilien. Er flieht nach New York und wird als Erwachsener zum gefurchteten Paten der amerikanischen Mafia. Aber ihn beherrscht nur ein Gedanke: Er will den Mord an seiner Familie rachen....
от 2529 руб.
The Godfather. Level 7 Puzo M.
The Godfather. Level 7
Michael Corleone is determined not to join his family\"s criminal businesses. He wants to live a normal life and marry his American girlfriend, Kay. But when members of his family are attacked, Michael realises that he has to take revenge. Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language....
от 1265 руб.
Крёстный отец Puzo M.
Крёстный отец
Роман повествует о семье Корлеоне. Будущий глава клана, попав в США, убивает местного криминального авторитета, чем завоёвывает уважение жителей района. Дальше - больше. И вот дон Вито уже глава мафиозной Семьи, в его руках сосредоточены огромные......
от 169 руб.
The Dark Arena Puzo M.
The Dark Arena
Mario Puzo\"s first acclaimed novel, before his creation of the international bestseller, The Godfather. An astounding story of corruption and betrayal. Hardened by the brutality and desceration of three long years of war, Walter Mosca returns to America a changed man....
от 1808 руб.
The Sicilian Puzo M.
The Sicilian
Michael Corleone\"s exile in Sicily is ending, but on the instructions of his father, The Godfather, he must bring back to him the young man known as Salvatore Giuliano - if he can find him....
от 1808 руб.
The Fortunate Pilgrim Puzo M.
The Fortunate Pilgrim
From the barren farms of Italy to the cramped tenements of New York, Lucia Santa - wife, widow and mother of two families - must steer them through the Depression and the early years of war as they adapt to life in a strange land. However, she cannot......
1834 руб.
The Godfather / Крёстный отец Puzo M.
The Godfather / Крёстный отец
Книга представляет собой сокращенный вариант романа \"Крестный отец\" американского писателя Марио Пьюзо. В центре романа судьба Дона Корлеоне - крестного отца мафии и его сыновей. Захватывающий сюжет, в котором есть кровавые убийства, интриги, любовь и предательства, держит читателя в напряжении до последней страницы....
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Fools Die Puzo M.
Fools Die
This title comes from the international bestseller of The Godfather. A story of big-time gamblers in a feverish world where law and organised crime are one and the same... From New York to Las Vegas, Merlyn and his brother Artie obey their own code of......
от 655 руб.
The Last Don Puzo M.
The Last Don
This novel tells the story of the last great Mafia family, and its head, Don Domenico, describing his attempt to leave the world of crime and consolidate the family\'s power in Las Vegas and Hollywood....
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The Family Puzo M.
The Family
Alexander moved over to his favourite chair in the corner of the large chamber. \'Sit, my children, sit with me\', he gently ordered them...\'We are a family\', he told his children. \'And the loyalty of the family must come before......
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The Fourth K Puzo M.
The Fourth K
A PRESIDENTIAL DYNASTY. AN ARAB TERRORIST ATTACK. DEMOCRACY UNDER SIEGE. Mario Puzo envisioned it all in his eerily prescient 1991 novel, The Fourth K. President Francis Xavier Kennedy is elected to office, in large part, thanks to the legacy of his forebears-good looks, privilege, wealth-and is the very embodiment of youthful optimism....
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The Godfather Puzo M.
The Godfather
Книга представляет собой сокращенный вариант романа \\\"Крестный отец\\\" американского писателя Марио Пьюзо. В центре романа судьба Дона Корлеоне - крестного отца мафии и его сыновей. Захватывающий сюжет, в котором есть кровавые убийства, интриги, любовь и предательства, держит читателя в напряжении до последней страницы....
121 руб.
Fools Die Puzo M.
Fools Die
Within the interconnecting worlds of bigtime gambling, publishing and the film industry, the power of corruption and the corruption of power are nowhere better explored. From New York to Las Vegas, Merlyn and his brother Artie obey their own code of honour in the ferment of contemporary America, where law and organised crimeare one and the same....
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Six Graves to Munich Cleri M. Puzo M.
Six Graves to Munich
A novel of blood and vengeance from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Godfather. Michael Rogan was an intelligence officer behind enemy lines in World War II Europe. But he made the mistake of falling in love, which gave him something to lose-or to be taken from him. Captured by the Nazis, Michael was treated as an experiment....
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The Family Puzo M.
The Family
Alexander moved over to his favourite chair in the corner of the large chamber. \"Sit, my children, sit with me,\" he gently ordered them...\"We are a family,\" he told his children. \"And the loyalty of the family must come before everything and everyone else....
от 1808 руб.
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