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Hernandez G.

Библиография книг автора

Cuadernos de Ortografia Norma y Estilo Hernandez G.
Cuadernos de Ortografia Norma y Estilo
Manuales desarrollados de manera específica para el estudio y la práctica de la ortografía a través de una metodología inductiva observación y explicación de los fenómenos......
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Fatima: The Blood Spinners Hernandez G.
Fatima: The Blood Spinners
Comics luminary Gilbert Hernandez envisions his strangest, most thrilling future yet! A drug called \"spin\" offers the wildest trip imaginable, followed by its users\' inevitable, rapid deterioration into undead flesh eaters. Despite the side effect, the drug is so popular that the human population is dying out!...
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Litertatura Espanola y Latinoamericana 2 Arteaga M. Hernandez G.
Litertatura Espanola y Latinoamericana 2
These are Manuals for advanced and higher level students. It provides a global view of Spanish and Latin American literature based on reading and interpreting literary texts....
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The Adventures of Venus Hernandez G.
The Adventures of Venus
A charming all-ages comic from Gilbert Hernandez.A rare foray into all-ages work, “The Adventures of Venus” was Gilbert Hernandez’s contribution to the kids’ anthology Measles which he edited in 1999 and 2000....
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Gramática fácil Hernandez G.
Gramática fácil
Gramática fácil va dirigida a estudiantes de tercero y cuarto de ESO, aunque también puede ser útil a alumnos de Bachillerato. El desarrollo es funcional: se hace un estudio minucioso de las partes de la......
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Sloth Hernandez G.
Troubled teenager Miguel Serra becomes a walking urban legend after he wills himself into a coma and wakes up one year later virtually unchanged - except for his sloth-like pace....
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High Soft Lisp Hernandez G.
High Soft Lisp
From the pages of Love and Rockets, the life of one of comics\' most seductive heroine. \"Five six. Hundred twenty-eight pounds. Forty-three twenty-two thirty-six. High soft lisp. Genius level I.Q....
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Love and Rockets: New Stories, No. 2 Hernandez G. Hernandez J. Hernandez M.
Love and Rockets: New Stories, No. 2
Your second annual eye-popping 100-page dollop of all-new Love & Rockets material! With the conclusion of Jaime\'s \"Ti-Girls Adventures\" and two from Gilbert: the surreal, wordless \"Hypnotwist\" and the mysterious \"Sad Girl\"....
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Luba: Three Daughters: A Love & Rockets Book Hernandez G.
Luba: Three Daughters: A Love & Rockets Book
A brilliant character-driven graphic novel from the co-creator of Love & Rockets . Gilbert Hernandez wowed critics in 2003 with his epic life\'s work, Palomar , collecting more than 20 years of groundbreaking comics that Booklist called \"the most substantive single work that the comics medium has yet produced....
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