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Baum D.

Библиография книг автора

On Marriage Baum D.
On Marriage
For better or worse. For richer or poorer. Till death us do part… We\"ve always done it, we\"re still doing it. Straight, queer, coupled or uncoupled, none of us live outside the cultural and psychological influence of marriage and all of us are written into its story....
от 3438 руб.
50 to Life Baum D.
50 to Life
"You're not good enough!""You're nothing without me...""When will you ever learn...?""You're so ugly, no one else would have you!""You're worthless as a human being!" It is said that actions speak louder than words. In Sara's world, they scream at her. They hurt her....
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Dakota`s Trail Baum D. Olson D.
Dakota`s Trail
Dakota is a Labrador retriever pup whose life began with abuse and neglect. Just when it seemed like she was doomed to a life of sadness, along came her hero in a boy named Alex. With Alex, she learns what trust is as they become best buddies, exploring the farm and the adventures that await them down the trail....
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Lightning in a Bottle Baum D.
Lightning in a Bottle
60+ essays enlighten your leadership and spark ideas for change. Full of energy and insight, David Baum sparks ideas for executives and managers to embrace change. Baum imparts his enlightened thoughts on leading change in over 60 vignettes with titles like Fish in Muddy Waters, Don\'t Eat Your Seed Corn, and Keep to the Short List....
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Extreme Mindstorms: an Advanced Guide to Lego Mindstorms Baum D. Baum D. Gasperi M. Hempel R. Villa L.
Extreme Mindstorms: an Advanced Guide to Lego Mindstorms
Three MINDSTORMS experts have joined with the maintainer of the legOS HOWTO to produce the book that all advanced users of LEGO MINDSTORMS have been waiting for. Each author has written material based on his specialty. Dave Baum shows you how to take NQC to its limits. Ralph Hempel explains the ins and outs of pbForth....
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Definitive Guide to LEGO MINDSTORMS, Second Edition Baum D.
Definitive Guide to LEGO MINDSTORMS, Second Edition
The LEGO MINDSTORMS Robotics Invention System kit enables anyone to build programmable robots with an assortment of LEGO pieces that snap, slide, and click into place. In this exciting second edition from MINDSTORMS expert Dave Baum, you\'ll be able totake your robotics experiments to a new level....
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