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Lourekas P.

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Illustrator CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide Lourekas P. Weinmann E.
Illustrator CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide
For almost two decades, the best-selling Visual QuickStart Guides by Elaine Weinmann and Peter Lourekas have been the textbooks of choice in classrooms and the go-to tutorial and reference for art and design professionals....
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Photoshop 5 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide Lourekas P. Weinmann E.
Photoshop 5 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide
Adobe Photoshop is the application of choice for digital image manipulation. Its complexity can be daunting for beginners, however. Photoshop 5 for Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide gives users an accessible, how-to reference guide to basic photo manipulation and correction techniques using the latest version of Photoshop....
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QuarkXPress 5 for Windows & Macintosh Visual Quickstart Guide Lourekas P. Weinmann E.
QuarkXPress 5 for Windows & Macintosh Visual Quickstart Guide
Untitled When it comes to page-layout design, QuarkXPresss is the undisputedworldwide leader. But even leaders must adapt to change or riskobsolescence. QuarkXPress 5 proves up to the challenge, facing the newmillennium with new tools and a redefined mission: Create a document onceand publish it anywhere....
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Photoshop 7 for Windows & Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide Lourekas P. Weinmann E.
Photoshop 7 for Windows & Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide
Adobe Photoshop is one of those programs that both dazzles and dismays: You can do extraordinary things with it--as long as you don\'t get lost in its maze of palettes and toolbars. Luckily for you, with Photoshop 7 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide, , that needn\'t be a problem!...
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QuarkXPress 6 for Windows and Macintosh (Visual QuickStart Guide) Lourekas P. Weinmann E.
QuarkXPress 6 for Windows and Macintosh (Visual QuickStart Guide)
If you\'re like most designers and publishers who work with QuarkXPress, you\'ve been waiting a long time for this release. In fact, you\'re probably one of the last people on your block to start using Mac OS X or Windows XP because you\'ve been waiting for your most important application--QuarkXPress--to offer native support for either....
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Illustrator 10 for Windows and Macintosh (Visual QuickStart Guide) Lourekas P. Weinmann E.
Illustrator 10 for Windows and Macintosh (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Untitled There\'s a good chance that anyone who\'s studied vector-based drawing during the last decade has read an Illustrator Visual QuickStart Guide in oneof its many versions. Though this book has become the standard text in many design schools, it has evolved over the years along with the program itself....
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