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Defense U.

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U.S. Army Ranger Handbook SH21-76, Revised FEBRUARY 2011 Brigade R. Defense U. School U.
U.S. Army Ranger Handbook SH21-76, Revised FEBRUARY 2011
The history of the American Ranger is a long and colorful saga of courage, daring, and outstanding leadership. It is a story of men whose skills in the art of fighting have seldom been surpassed.The United States Army Rangers are an elite military formation that has existed, in some form or another, since the American Revolution....
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Differentiation in Military Human Resource Management Defense U. Institute N. Robbert A.
Differentiation in Military Human Resource Management
This report describes and assesses the current military HRM system, identifies and evaluates alternatives to that system, recommends approaches for testing or implementing the most-promising alternatives, and presents conclusions....
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Environmental Management in Design: Designs from Volvo and Hewlett-Packard for the Department of Defense Camm F. Corporation R. Defense U. Drezner J. Institute N. Resetar S.
Environmental Management in Design: Designs from Volvo and Hewlett-Packard for the Department of Defense
The Defense Department, seeking methods to hold the line on enviromental costs, can look to corporations in the private sector for novel approaches to enviromental management....
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The Economic Dimensions of National Security Defense U. Institute N. Neu C. Rand R. Wolf C.
The Economic Dimensions of National Security
The end of the Cold War has shifted attention from military threats to other things that might negatively affect the people of the United States....
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In Athena's Camp: Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age Arquilla J. Defense U. Institute N. Ronfeldt D. Ronfeldt D.
In Athena's Camp: Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age
The information revolution--which is as much an organizational as a technological revolution--is transforming the nature of conflict across the spectrum: from open warfare, to terrorism, crime, and even radical social activism....
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Reforming the Military Retirement System Asch B. Defense U. Institute N. Johnson R. Warner J.
Reforming the Military Retirement System
Using a model of military compensation they developed, the authors analyze the effects of converting the current military retirement system to an alternative system patterned after the Federal Employees Retirement System....
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