Информация об авторе

Ayres J.

Библиография книг автора

Waiting for a Glacier to Move. Practicing Social Witness Ayres J.
Waiting for a Glacier to Move. Practicing Social Witness
Synopsis:When asked about his work for social change, one Presbyterian elder and activist sighed, "You always have the feeling that you're attacking an iceberg with an ice pick. . . . But still, some people do listen, and it does some good. As they say, even glaciers move every now and then....
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Tomes of Delphi: Win32 Core API Windows 2000 Ayres J.
Tomes of Delphi: Win32 Core API Windows 2000
The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Core API, the first book in Wordware?s best-selling Tomes of Delphi series, has been updated and revised for Windows 2000....
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