Информация об авторе

Vaughan G.

Библиография книг автора

Batsford's Oxford Then and Now Vaughan G.
Batsford's Oxford Then and Now
Poet Matthew Arnold christened Oxford \'the city of dreaming spires\' and Oxford Then and Now looks at the range of inspirational buildings that have made it one of the most visited towns in Europe. Using archive photography dating back to the......
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Batsford's Cambridge Then and Now Vaughan G.
Batsford's Cambridge Then and Now
Cambridge Then and Now is the latest in the long-running series that uncovers archive photos of the landmark sites of a city and re-photographs them from exactly the same viewpoint today. Cambridge Then and Now features vintage photos that date back......
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GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool Elliston B. Taylor I. Tromey T. Vaughan G.
GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool
If you are a developer and are looking to participate in the Open Source development growth area you will need to learn new Open Source tools. GNU autoconf, GNU automake and GNU libtool are key tools for Open Source application development....
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