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Takahashi Y.

Библиография книг автора

Designer's Guide to Color: Boxed Set Allen J. Shibukawa I. Stockton J. Takahashi Y.
Designer's Guide to Color: Boxed Set
For designers of all stripes, here are all five volumes of this ever-popular (over half a million sold in the series), ever-reliable color reference series back in print and in a new boxed set that brings them together for the first time....
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Shakugan no Shana , Volume 4 Takahashi Y.
Shakugan no Shana , Volume 4
L to R (Western Style). There\'s a sinister new Flame Haze in town by the name of Margery Daw, and soon she and Shana are in a fight to the death! Meanwhile Yuji runs into a strange old man named Lamies...who reveals himself to be a most unusual Crimson Denizen indeed....
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Performance and Management of Complex Communication Networks And W. Hasegawa H. Hasegawa T. Hasegawa T. Takagi H. Takahashi Y. Takahashi Y. Tc6 I.
Performance and Management of Complex Communication Networks
With the proliferation of ISDN and mobile communication systems, modern communication networks are becoming larger-scale, higher-speed, and more complex than ever before....
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