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Santos R.

Библиография книг автора

BeagleBone For Dummies Perestrelo L. Santos R.
BeagleBone For Dummies
Learn to: Connect the BeagleBone and install the Linux® OS Explore the Cloud 9 IDE and learn simple programming with BoneScript and Python® Create electronics projects connected to the BeagleBone GPIO Set up a home automation web server...
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Production of Al based composites reinforced with embedded NiTi by FSW Mendes L. Santos R.
Production of Al based composites reinforced with embedded NiTi by FSW
Aluminium alloys have been widely used in composite materials in order to promote an enhancement in its properties while reducing weight. As in the production of new composites with a significant difference in mechanical and thermo-physical properties fusion welding processes enhances the formation of undesired intermetallics....
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Reflections of a Vietnam Vet Santos R.
Reflections of a Vietnam Vet
My book reflects the emotions I have gone through while trying to deal with my diagnosis of Survivor’s Guilt. It goes from before Vietnam, through my tours in Vietnam and to what the families at home went through receiving and burying their loved ones. I could only put myself in the positions of those I wrote about and how I thought they felt....
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