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Cosma C.

Библиография книг автора

Environmental Engineering Dictionary of Technical Terms and Phrases. English to Romanian and Romanian to English Cosma C. Hopcroft F.
Environmental Engineering Dictionary of Technical Terms and Phrases. English to Romanian and Romanian to English
This reference manual provides a list of approximately 300 technical terms and phrases common to environmental engineering which non-English speakers often find difficult to understand in English....
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Environmental Project Management Cosma C. Hopcroft F.
Environmental Project Management
This book describes the various aspects and considerations required in effective project management and the tools that can be used by a nonprofessional project manager to appropriately evaluate how well the professional is doing or effectively manage smaller projects without the need for a professional project manager....
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Chernobyl radionuclides in environmental samples from Romania&Austria Cosma C. Hofmann W. Iurian A.
Chernobyl radionuclides in environmental samples from Romania&Austria
Following the Chernobyl accident from 26 of April 1986, many European countries were contaminated with high amounts of radioactive material, from which, cesium, strontium and plutonium were the most important constituents. The book presents the radionuc...
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