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Sorensen G.

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Rethinking the New World Order Sorensen G.
Rethinking the New World Order
The end of the Cold War gave rise to much talk of a \"new\" global order and debate about just how new or orderly it was and would be. Attempts to analyse the nature of this order have been many and various....
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Rethinking the New World Order Sorensen G.
Rethinking the New World Order
The end of the Cold War gave rise to much talk of a \"new\" global order and debate about just how new or orderly it was and would be. Attempts to analyse the nature of this order have been many and various....
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Changes in Statehood: The Transformation of International Relations Sorensen G.
Changes in Statehood: The Transformation of International Relations
This study of international relations is often cut off from the study of domestic affairs, but this insulation of the international from the domestic is wrong, according to Georg Sorenson. International forces profoundly influence the core structures of sovereign statehood, including their political military, economic and normative substance....
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