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Hagen R.

Библиография книг автора

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Bruegel Hagen R. Hagen R.
Pieter Bruegel: Ein meisterlicher Zeitzeuge Der gro?e flamische Maler Pieter Bruegel der Altere (ca. 1526/31–1569) war ein au?erst fantasievoller Maler und Zeichner. Seine wunderschonen, symboltrachtigen Landschaften sowie seine religiosen Bilder sind beruhmt fur ihre Volkstumlichkeit und ihren Blick auf das Alltagsleben der damaligen Zeit....
3382 руб.
Egypt. People, Gods, Pharaohs Hagen R. Hagen R.
Egypt. People, Gods, Pharaohs
Everyday life in Ancient Egypt How much do we really know about Ancient Egypt? The pharaohs and pyramids are familiar history fodder, but what about the farmers, the soldiers, the laborers, and the families that made up the vast majority of this much mythologized civilization?...
от 4014 руб.
Egyptian Art Hagen R.
Egyptian Art
Discover some of the finest masterpieces of Ancient Egypt. This catalogue gathers sarcophagi, statues, murals, and other timeless treasures by unknown masters from the Old Kingdom to the Late Period....
от 1911 руб.
What Great Paintings Say: Faces of Power Hagen R. Hagen R.
What Great Paintings Say: Faces of Power
Byzantine empresses, French revolutionaries, and Spanish generals: history’s most impressive figures stare boldly out of the canvases in this collection of formidable paintings. Each individual represented in these images radiates with strength and......
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What Great Paintings Say: Italian Renaissance Hagen R.
What Great Paintings Say: Italian Renaissance
Surreptitious messages, concealed myths, and historical truths lie hidden in the great works of the Italian Renaissance, behind heavy gold leaf and religious symbology. Although often obscured by the archaic language of historical painting, careful......
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What Great Paintings Say. Beautiful Nudes Hagen R. Hagen R.
What Great Paintings Say. Beautiful Nudes
It might seem like the sitters and subjects of art history\"s greatest nude paintings have little left to show, but don\"t be fooled: there is more than meets the eye in these naked masterworks....
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Goya Hagen R. Hagen R.
From court portraits for the Spanish royals to horrific scenes of conflict and suffering, Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828) made a mark as one of Spain\"s most revered and controversial artists....
от 1911 руб.
What Great Paintings Say. 100 Masterpieces in Detail Hagen R. Hagen R.
What Great Paintings Say. 100 Masterpieces in Detail
This important addition to our understanding of art history\"s masterworks puts some of the world\"s most famous paintings under a magnifying glass to uncover their most small and subtle elements and all they reveal about a bygone time, place, and culture....
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Bruegel Hagen R.
Folk stories: An eye on everyday peasant life At a time when artists were still widely preoccupied with religious or mythological subject matter, the great Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c. 1525-1569) defied the trend. Earning the nickname......
1911 руб.
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