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Guzman M.

Библиография книг автора

Your Forgotten Inner Child. A journey returning to love and innocence Guzman M.
Your Forgotten Inner Child. A journey returning to love and innocence
As adults we are not aware that our inner children still lives in us and that they accepted wrong ideas and created a person according to the environment in which they grew up. Not being aware of it, produces so many emotional problems lead to failure in several areas of our lives....
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The Bamboozlers Guzman M.
The Bamboozlers
Book Description Albert Rosegarden is a boy ready and waiting for an adventure to take him away from Mountain View, Idaho (where there are no mountains in view)--and he gets what he wants when Wendell shows up, the grandfather Albert didn\'t know he had. Wendell is an old ex-con of mixed ancestry who carries a violin case he calls the Stradivarius....
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The Anti-Development State: The Political Economy of Permanent Crisis in the Philippines Bello W. Docena H. Guzman M. Malig M.
The Anti-Development State: The Political Economy of Permanent Crisis in the Philippines
This book examines how the political system of the Phillippines remains dominated by a competitive elite who oppose any significant attempts to address the country\'s huge social inequalities....
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