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Issighos C.

Библиография книг автора

Amazonian Sisterhood: The Amazon Exploration Series (Volume 7) Issighos C.
Amazonian Sisterhood: The Amazon Exploration Series (Volume 7)
My travel in the indigenous villages of the Upper Amazon of Peru was an amazing experience. My time spend with indigenous families was thrilling and educational. The women showed me their ceremonies; how they wove baskets and how they caught fish by hand....
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The Amazon Rainforest: The Amazon Exploration Series (Volume 6) Issighos C.
The Amazon Rainforest: The Amazon Exploration Series (Volume 6)
A rainforest by definition is tropical woodland with lush vegetation and great biological diversity. It is an ecosystem with a delicate balance of life and is home to unique and exotic organisms such as Pink Dolphins, Giant Otters, Giant Turtles and Piranhas. The Amazon River affects the rainforest because the plants need the river!...
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Amazonian Landscapes & Sunsets: The Amazon Exploration Series (Volume 9) Issighos C.
Amazonian Landscapes & Sunsets: The Amazon Exploration Series (Volume 9)
Along the riverbanks, the leafy forest canopy forms a giant open-air aviary. Black-collared hawks eye me silently as they scan the river for prey. Elegant coicoi herons glide by on their way to their rookery. A hoatzin bird, whose topknot resembles a Mohawk haircut, sends out an eerie call....
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