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Dukan P.

Библиография книг автора

The Complete Dukan Cookbook Dukan P. Дюкан П.
The Complete Dukan Cookbook
The Dukan Diet is a unique 4-step programme, combining two steps to lose your unwanted weight and two steps to keep it off for good. The Complete Dukan Cookbook provides over 300 recipes for all stages of the diet to help you lose the weight you want like millions of others have around the world....
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Dukan diet Dukan P.
Dukan diet
France\'s best selling diet book ever which has sold over 1 million copies since it was published in 2003....
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The Dukan Diet Recipe Book | Dukan Pierre Dukan P.
The Dukan Diet Recipe Book | Dukan Pierre
The Dukan Diet is based on a unique four-step programme. Two steps to lose weight and two steps to keep it off for good. The Dukan Diet Recipe Book will help you stick to the diet by offering over 350 recipes suitable for the all-important weight loss stages....
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