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Deshmukh B.

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Knowledge of Plant Protection Measures in Pomegranate Deshmukh B. Deshmukh S.
Knowledge of Plant Protection Measures in Pomegranate
The study revealed that the majority of the pomegranate growers had 36 to 50 years age (32.89 %), received up to degree and higher education (36.00 %), had higher socio-economic status (51.55 %), cosmopoliteness and small land holding (38.67 %), cultivating the pomegranate crop on 2.01 to 5....
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Adoption of Plant Protection Measures in Pomegranate Deshmukh B. Deshmukh S.
Adoption of Plant Protection Measures in Pomegranate
The study revealed that the respondents had low adoption about planting material, bahar management, plant protection measures to control the diseases like bacterial blight, leaf and fruit spots, wilt complex....
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