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Jalalzai M.

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Child Sex, Bacha Bazi and Prostitution in Afghanistan Jalalzai M.
Child Sex, Bacha Bazi and Prostitution in Afghanistan
Every month, hundreds of Afghan children, women and unemployed young men are kidnapped, imprisoned or trafficked to international market and local prostitution industry. In Pakistan and Afghanistan, war criminals have left a shameful record of child sex, children trafficking, kidnapping and play boy business....
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The Great Energy War in Afghanistan Jalalzai M.
The Great Energy War in Afghanistan
Oil and gas exploration in Afghanistan diverted the attention of international community towards the mineral resources of the country. From 1960 to 1980,about fifteen oil and natural gas fields were discovered in northern Afghanistan. In 2008, Russia sought to extend its gas pipeline to Europe....
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The Future of Civil War in Pakistan Jalalzai M.
The Future of Civil War in Pakistan
A decade long civil war in Pakistan has crippled the country’s economy, agriculture and social setup . National concordance, cohesion and the concept of Pakistani nationalism has disappeared. Provinces hate each other....
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Punjabi Taliban Jalalzai M.
Punjabi Taliban
Shorttitle: The business of import and export of suicide bomber in Pakistan slowly developed. In 2008, in Bhakkar District of Southern Punjab, a suicide bomber was hired and used in settling a political dispute. In Tank District and Waziristan, several suicide bombers academies are recruiting bombers and export them in and outside the country....
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Sectarian Violence in Northern Ireland Jalalzai M.
Sectarian Violence in Northern Ireland
In view of the recent sectarian clashes in Northern Ireland and in parts of ngland,political commentators believe that Britain is losing the battle against extremists and sectarian mafia by relaxing its counter terror policies. Home Secretary, Theresa May is more disturbed by the re-emergence of extremism and sectarianism in Britain....
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The UK Jihadi Networks Jalalzai M.
The UK Jihadi Networks
Shorttitle:The issue of the involvement of British extremists in the civil wars of various states became more complicated, while the British police began enquiries into the British Somalis involvement in sectarian war in the country. As per my recent research papers these groups have experience in the preparation of Improvised Explosive Devices....
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Afghanistan Beyond 2014 Jalalzai M.
Afghanistan Beyond 2014
The creation of an Afghan National Army was part of the agenda of international conference in Germany in 2002. International community agreed that Afghan National Army would be ethnically balanced but in 2002, as an Afghan Defence Minister, General Qasim Fahim made some appointments on ethnic bases....
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