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Honnef K.

Библиография книг автора

Richter Honnef K.
Eine feinsinnige Erkundung von Leben und Werk Gerhard Richters Eine Begegnung mit dem deutschen Kunstler Gerhard Richter, der dem Verhaltnis von Malerei und Wirklichkeit neue Horizonte eroffnete....
3382 руб.
Richter Honnef K.
A colorful exploration of the life and work of Gerhard Richter An encounter with Gerhard Richter, the German artist who widened horizons in the relationship between painting and reality....
от 1911 руб.
Out of Focus Pinhole Cameras Amp Pict (English, French and German Edition) Honnef K. Olpe P.
Out of Focus Pinhole Cameras Amp Pict (English, French and German Edition)
Peter Olpe has been manufacturing customised pinhole cameras since 1978. In 2012 he donated 90 of his cameras to the Swiss Camera Museum in Vevey where the collection will be exhibited....
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Pop Art Honnef K.
Pop Art
When the kitschy, banal, and mass-market became art Peaking in the 1960s, Pop Art began as a revolt against mainstream approaches to art and culture and evolved into a wholesale interrogation of modern society, consumer culture, the role of the artist, and of what constituted an artwork....
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Warhol Honnef K.
Andy Warhol (1928–1987) is hailed as the most important proponent of the Pop Art movement. A critical and creative observer of American society, he explored key themes of consumerism, materialism, media, and celebrity. Drawing on contemporary......
1911 руб.
Pop Art Honnef K.
Pop Art
Pop artists of the 1960s, heralded by the Great Andy Warhol, commented on everything from mainstream media to consumer society to advertising to product packaging with colorful and often comical works. Pop Art\'s profound influence on contemporary......
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Helmut Newton. Portraits Honnef K. Newton H. Squiers C.
Helmut Newton. Portraits
Newton\"s collection of portraits from the worlds of film, fashion, politics and culture can be considered a pantheon of VIP\"s. But his work is a lot more besides. From his portraits, one can see that he would have most liked to be a Roman paparazzo - as he once admitted....
от 7909 руб.
Helmut Newton Portraits. Bilder Aus Europa Und Amerika Honnef K. Newton H.
Helmut Newton Portraits. Bilder Aus Europa Und Amerika
Оценки творчества немецкого фотографа Хельмута Ньютона (1920-2004) всегда были полярные – либо \"гений\", либо \"почти порнография\". Сотрудничество с французским модным журналом Vogue сделало Хельмута Ньютона одним из самых высокооплачиваемых и известных фотографов в мире и позволило художнику в полной мере реализовать свой талант....
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Art of the 20th Century (комплект из 2 книг) Honnef K. Walther I.F.
Art of the 20th Century (комплект из 2 книг)
Who could possibly have forecast on New Year\'s Eve 1899 that, one hundred years later, painting and sculpture would be only options, not prerequisites? The term \"art\" has been defined and redefined so many times over the last 100 years that it has gained entirely new social, political, and technological meanings....
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Linda Salerno Honnef K. Kunz M. Mutti R. Salerno L.
Linda Salerno
American artist Linda Salerno (born 1950) is best known for paintings that suggest a nineteenth-century sensibility, which also pervades her photographic work. Salerno\'s photography evokes the wistful grace of Julia Margaret Cameron\'s portraits in its dialogue between nostalgic past and fraught present....
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Andy Warhol: 1928-1987 (Artistas Serie Menor) Honnef K.
Andy Warhol: 1928-1987 (Artistas Serie Menor)
Book DescriptionAndy Warhol (1928-1987) is recognized today as the high priest of Pop Art and a widely influential figure in modern culture....
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Wirtschaftswunder Honnef K.
It was no more than eight years after the surrender of the Nazi government when Josef Heinrich Darchinger set out on his photographic journey through the West of a divided Germany. The bombs of World War II had reduced the country\'s major cities to deserts of rubble. Yet his pictures show scarcely any signs of the downfall of a civilization....
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