Информация об авторе

Gunther K.

Библиография книг автора

Continuous Improvement; Values, Assumptions, and Beliefs for Successful Implementation. It`s All About the Culture Gunther K. Kohsin B. Robert E.
Continuous Improvement; Values, Assumptions, and Beliefs for Successful Implementation. It`s All About the Culture
In an increasingly turbulent and competitive world, organizations are constantly working to improve. Many organizations look to one of many continuous process improvement methodologies available today. Leaders who have been able to reap the benefits of continuous improvement behave in very specific ways....
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Bau Und Funktion Der Mundwerkzeuge Bei Crustaceen Aus Der Familie Der Cymothoidae (Isopoda). Inaugural-Dissertation Gunther K.
Bau Und Funktion Der Mundwerkzeuge Bei Crustaceen Aus Der Familie Der Cymothoidae (Isopoda). Inaugural-Dissertation
Книга "Bau Und Funktion Der Mundwerkzeuge Bei Crustaceen Aus Der Familie Der Cymothoidae (Isopoda). Inaugural-Dissertation". ...
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