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Исторические любовные романы

  Описание тематики книг: Исторические любовные романы

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Преступное венчание Арсеньева Е.А.
Преступное венчание
Сиротки Лиза и Лисонька, воспитанные теткой, с детства делили на двоих радости и печали. А потому, когда Лисоньку посватали за постылого ей князя Алексея Измайлова, Лиза, напротив, в него влюбленная, отправилась на тайное венчание вместо сестры. Однако в тот злополучный вечер молодым открылась тайна: невеста – единокровная сестра Алексея....
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The Sins of Lord Easterbrook Hunter M.
The Sins of Lord Easterbrook
Only a desperate mission could bring Leona Montgomery face-to-face with the scoundrel whose dangerous sensuality once sent her fleeing from his arms. But she has under-estimated Christian, Marquess of Easterbrook. As irresistible as ever, his past swathed in mystery, Christian has his own plans for the woman he has waited seven years to claim....
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Lady Hermione Merryhew is on her way across England in hope of securing a fortune. Or rather, her sister Polly is. Despite being daughters of a marquess, the sisters have always been fairly poor, and when they learn of a great uncle returned home from India in poor health, they decide to visit, hoping for a favorable mention in the will....
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Thomas Redstone--a former Cheyenne warrior seeking new purpose by following the ways of his white grandfather--is returning to Heartbreak Creek, Colorado, when he decides to give the woman loves one last chance to accept him into her life. Prudence Lincoln\"s beauty and education has brought her little joy....
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The Innocent Small B.
The Innocent
Eleanore of Ashlin had promised her life to God - until fate intervened. With her brother\"s untimely death, Eleanore becomes the heiress of an estate vital to England\"s defenses. Now she is ordered by royal command to wed one of the king\"s knights rather than take her final vows....
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Philippa Small B.
The eldest child of Rosamund Bolton and heiress to the Friarsgate manor, Philippa Meredith is devastated when she discovers that the man she sought to marry has rebuffed her. But it is this sudden change of fortune that sweeps the spirited beauty back to her place in the court of Queen Katherine of Aragon - and into the arms of Crispin St....
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Rosamund Small B.
Rosamund Bolton is the heiress to the manor of Friarsgate in the wild Cumbrian border between England and Scotland. More than a splendid inheritance, Friarsgate will chart the fate of the orphaned beauty widowed at a precious young age....
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Una Imperfecta Flor Inglesa Alvarez C.
Una Imperfecta Flor Inglesa
Elena es la heredera de la casa MacGowan, pero ha crecido alejada de toda vida social para ocultar las quemaduras que sufrio de nina. Pero su vida da un vuelco cuando su tio le niega sus derechos como heredera y la expulsa de la vivienda familiar....
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Cuando El Amor Despierta Lerga R.
Cuando El Amor Despierta
Para evitar casarse con un hombre sesenta anos mayor que ella, April huye de Prusia a Londres, donde se hara pasar por una dama de compania. Julian, unico heredero del marquesado de Woodward, ha decidido no casarse ni tener descendencia, para vengarse de su padre. April y Julian se conocen por casualidad....
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La Musica De Las Sombras Garwood J.
La Musica De Las Sombras
Agraciada con una belleza exquisita e hija de uno de los barones mas influyentes de Inglaterra, Gabrielle St. Biel es tambien un perfecto objeto de intercambio para el rey Juan, que necesita que la paz llegue a las Highlands. Con ese objetivo, ha arreglado el casamiento de Gabrielle con un terrateniente....
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Jardines De Cristal Quick A.
Jardines De Cristal
Vuelve la reina de la intriga romantica ambientada en la epoca victoriana. Tras haber sido victima de un ataque en las calles de Londres, Evangeline Ames ha alquilado una casita de campo en las afueras. Cuando su vida vuelve a correr peligro, se refugia en Crystal Gardens, una propiedad cercana que ejerce sobre ella una atraccion sobrenatural....
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Highlander Most Wanted Banks M.
Highlander Most Wanted
Genevieve McInnis is locked behind the fortified walls of McHugh Keep, captive of a cruel laird who takes great pleasure in ruining her for any other man. Yet when Bowen Montgomery storms the gates on a mission of clan warfare, Genevieve finds that her spirit is bent but not broken. Still, her path toward freedom remains uncertain....
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The Wild Baron Coulter C.
The Wild Baron
Catherine Coulter introduces the dashing Carrington brothers with the story of Rohan, a man with a rakish reputation but a heart of pure gold......
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The Last Heiress Small B.
The Last Heiress
New York Times bestselling author Bertrice Small concludes her acclaimed saga of Rosamund Bolton and her daughters with this tale of passion, intrigue, and seduction, set against the glorious backdrop of King Henry’s court... Elizabeth Meredith, the youngest daughter of Rosamund Bolton, is nothing like her sensible sisters....
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Bianca: The Silk Merchant`s Daughters .
Bianca: The Silk Merchant`s Daughters
Florentine silk merchant Giovanni Pietro d’Angelo and his wife want nothing more than to marry their daughters to wealthy men of distinction. But when their son is implicated in a tragic accident, it is their eldest daughter, Bianca, who must pay the price - by marrying the powerful and debauched Sebastiano Rovere in exchange for his silence....
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