Книги по запросу


Посетители сайта довольно часто используют в поиске тему "Xerox" и проявили интерес к следующим книгам:

Брэнды, которые изменили бизнес: Полная коллекция величайших брэндов мира Дирлав Д. Крейнер С.
Брэнды, которые изменили бизнес: Полная коллекция величайших брэндов мира
Брэнды - неотъемлемая часть нашей жизни. Они воздействуют на наши эмоции, завоевывают умы и сердца всего мира, они способны вызвать у людей беспрецедентную любовь и преданность. Кроме того, брэнды - это могущественное оружие....
Qt 3: Программирование GUI на С++ (пер. с англ. Казаченко В.И.) Бланшет Ж. Саммерфилд М.
Qt 3: Программирование GUI на С++ (пер. с англ. Казаченко В.И.)

Данная книга является руководством по разработке приложений с графическим пользовательским интерфейсом'для платформ MS Windows, Linux, Unix и MacOS средствами Qt 3 компании Trolltech. Qt-программы естественно выглядят на всех поддерживаемых платформах, причем, для их переноса требуется только перекомпиляция. Инструментарий Qt используется такими успеш< ными компаниями как AT&T, NASA, IBM, Xerox, Adobe ...

Современные копировальные аппараты Платонов Ю.П.
Современные копировальные аппараты

Представлены 16 моделей копировальных аппаратов 6 фирм-производителей: KONICA, MINOLTA, RICOH, SHARP, TOSHIBA и XEROX.
В книге приведены сведения по профилактике, обслуживанию, настройке и регулировке, программированию режимов работы, диагностике неисправностей и ремонту копировальных аппаратов.
Она рассчитана как на рядовых пользователей, так и на подготовленных специалистов по I ремонту ...

Большие бренды - большие проблемы. Учитесь на чужих ошибках Джек Т.
Большие бренды - большие проблемы. Учитесь на чужих ошибках
Автор этой без сомнения значимой и во многом необычной книги, уверен, что утверждение \"Маленькие дети - маленькие проблемы, большие дети - большие проблемы\" справедливо и в отношении торговых марок. В известных и раскрученных брендах есть не только положительные стороны, но и множество подводных камней....
Бизнес-разведка. Внедрение передовых технологий Боган К. Инглиш М.
Бизнес-разведка. Внедрение передовых технологий
В условиях современной жесткой конкуренции ни одна организация не может позволить себе "изобретать колесо". Лучше заимствовать опыт! В книге детально рассматриваются все аспекты бенчмаркинга, или бизнес-разведки, - метода, дающего феноменальные результаты....
Современные копировальные аппараты. Секреты эксплуатации и ремонта Платонов Ю.П.
Современные копировальные аппараты. Секреты эксплуатации и ремонта

Тот, кто занимается ремонтом зарубежной оргтехники, хорошо знает, что в России практически отсутствуют книги по диагностике и ремонту зарубежных копировальных и факсимильных аппаратов.
Сотни пользователей оргтехники довольно часто сталкиваются с отказами в работе копировальных аппаратов ...

Открытые инновации Чесбро Г.
Открытые инновации

На нынешнем динамично меняющемся рынке, который все больше становится глобальным, одним из ключевых конкурентных преимуществ является умение компании творчески внедрять инновации, доводить их до коммерческого использования и получать высокую прибыль ...

Большие бренды — большие проблемы Траут Д.
Большие бренды — большие проблемы
Утверждение \\\"Маленькие дети - маленькие проблемы, большие дети - большие проблемы\\\" справедливо и в отношении торговых марок. В известных и раскрученных брендах есть не только положительные стороны, но и множество подводных камней....
Маркетинг снизу вверх. От тактики до бизнес-стратегии Райс Э. Траут Д.
Маркетинг снизу вверх. От тактики до бизнес-стратегии
Сможет ли Coca-Cola выстоять перед вызовом Pepsi-Cola? Сможет ли Burger King \"поджарить\" McDonald\'s и захватить рынок фаст-фуда? Сможет ли GM отыграться за свои потери в продажах престижных автомобилей, понесенные из-за Lincoln-компании Ford? Ведущие эксперты Америки по маркетингу, Эл Райс и Джек Траут, говорят: \"\"Да, они смогут\"\"....
Customer Centered Selling: Eight Steps to Success from the World's Best Sales Force Jolles R.
Customer Centered Selling: Eight Steps to Success from the World's Best Sales Force
Customer Centered Selling teaches you the secret of the world-famous Xerox sales training program. The secret, Robert Jolles reveals, is reversing the conventional selling practice of searching for customer needs. To truly create urgency, you must focus instead on the customer\'s problems and decision-making process....
Конкурентная разведка: Уроки из окопов Прескотт Д.
Конкурентная разведка: Уроки из окопов
Так же, как и в армии, участвующие в битве, корпорации и фирмы должны иметь полное представление о том, с кем им придется конкурировать в борьбе за успех. Поэтому конкурентная разведка занимает все более прочные позиции в структуре современных компаний. В отличие от промышленного шпионажа - это легальная форма сбора информации о конкурентах....
Международная торговля объектами интеллектуальной собственности Абрамова А.И. Сумин А.А. Харламова В.
Международная торговля объектами интеллектуальной собственности
В учебном пособии рассматриваются актуальные вопросы, связанные с международным оборотом объектов интеллектуальной собственности (ИС)....
Большие бренды - большие проблемы Траут Д.
Большие бренды - большие проблемы
Утверждение "Маленькие дети - маленькие проблемы, большие дети - большие проблемы" справедливо и в отношении торговых марок. В известных и раскрученных брендах есть не только положительные стороны, но и множество подводных камней....
Стив Джобс Айзексон У.
Стив Джобс
Эту книгу журналисту Уолтеру Айзексону предложил написать сам Стив Джобс, когда ему уже был известен страшный диагноз. Биография \\\"отца цифровой революции\\\" была создана при его непосредственном участии, однако от какого-либо контроля за содержанием Джобс уклонился: в результате книга получилась предельно честная и непредвзятая....
Стив Джобс. От первого лица
Стив Джобс. От первого лица
Книга включает материалы, связанные с биографией первопроходца компьютерного бизнеса Стива Джобса и историей основанной им компании Apple. Основная часть текста - собственные высказывания Стива Джобса, сделанные им во время различных публичных выступлений и интервью на протяжении последних 35 лет....
Железо ПК 2012 Соломенчук В.Г.; Соломенчук П.В. Соломенчук П.В.
Железо ПК 2012
Приведены технические характеристики современных процессоров, комплектующих изделий и периферийного оборудования, которые желательно использовать для сборки высокопроизводительного компьютера РС....
Usability: Turning Technologies into Tools Adler P. Winograd T.
Usability: Turning Technologies into Tools
As more and more equipment incorporates advanced technologies, usability -- the ability of equipment to take advantage of users\' skills and thereby to function effectively in the broad range of real work situations -- is becoming an essential component of equipment design....
High Wired: On the Design, Use, and Theory of Educational Moos Haynes C. Holmevik J.
High Wired: On the Design, Use, and Theory of Educational Moos
High Wired is a collection of essays designed to integrate all aspects of the use and administration of the virtual educational communities known as MOOs (Multiple-user, Object-Oriented environments). MOOs were originally designed as a space for online social interaction....
Software Rules: How the Next Generation of Enterprise Applications Will Increase Strategic Effectiveness Barrenechea M.
Software Rules: How the Next Generation of Enterprise Applications Will Increase Strategic Effectiveness
A top industry executive explains total software integration and how it holds the key to market leadership To achieve fast, agile, and diverse responsiveness to today\'s ever shifting business needs, executives need to successfully implement strategic decisions based more on reality rather than rhetoric....
ForbesA® Greatest Business Stories of All Time Gross D. Staff F.
ForbesA® Greatest Business Stories of All Time
Robert Morris: America\'s First Financier Cyrus McCormick\'s Reaper and the Industrialization of Farming John D. Rockefeller and the Modern Corporation J. P....
1001 Ways to Take Initiative at Work Nelson B.
1001 Ways to Take Initiative at Work
1001 WAYS to Take Initiative at Work is about managing up--about employees taking ownership of their jobs, whether it\'s an assistant working for a manager or a VP working for the CEO....
Meeting of the Minds: Creating the Market-Based Enterprise Barabba V.
Meeting of the Minds: Creating the Market-Based Enterprise
Meeting of the Minds provides a practical blue-print for creating dynamic, market-based decision-making mechanisms that lead to competitive advantage....
The Social Life of Information Brown J. Duguid P.
The Social Life of Information
\"From the chief scientist of Xerox Corporation and a research specialist in cultural studies at UC-Berkeley comes a treatise that casts a critical eye at all the hype surrounding the boom of the information age....
Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology Chesbrough H.
Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology
The great corporate research departments at companies like Bell Labs, IBM and Xerox were once the motor of American industry. But that may be changing, according to this probing academic study of corporate technological innovation....
Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating And Profiting from Technology Chesbrough H.
Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating And Profiting from Technology
The great corporate research departments at companies like Bell Labs, IBM and Xerox were once the motor of American industry. But that may be changing, according to this probing academic study of corporate technological innovation....
How Industries Evolve: Principles for Achieving and Sustaining Superior Performance McGahan A.
How Industries Evolve: Principles for Achieving and Sustaining Superior Performance
An Insightful Model for Understanding Industry Change From Xerox to K-Mart to Sotheby\'s, great companies have failed to translate extraordinary innovation into better profitability. Why does this happen? Anita M....
Living in a Nutshell: Posh and Portable Decorating Ideas for Small Spaces Lee J.
Living in a Nutshell: Posh and Portable Decorating Ideas for Small Spaces
A fireplace on wheels? A chandelier light by Xerox? A shrink-wrapped designer closet? These are just a few of the more than one hundred innovative projects in Living in a Nutshell, a...
Cross- Functional Teams : Working with Allies, Enemies, and Other Strangers (Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series) Parker G.
Cross- Functional Teams : Working with Allies, Enemies, and Other Strangers (Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series)
In this completely revised version of his best-selling book, Cross-Functional Teams: Working with Allies, Enemies, and Strangers , author and consultant Glenn Parker updates his definitive practical guide to include his recent work in team rewards and recognition, communications technology, and multicultural and virtual-team issues....
Technology Licensing: Corporate Strategies for Maximizing Value Parr R. Sullivan P.N.
Technology Licensing: Corporate Strategies for Maximizing Value
Find out how today\'s top technology-based companies get the greatest return on their intellectual property, and how you can too....
Global Account Management : Creating Value Hennessey H.
Global Account Management : Creating Value
Book DescriptionIf you buy a new BMW you may be surprised as much by the owner\'s manual as by the car itself. Thin, personalized, and containing information only on the features you have selected in the language you speak, it is the result of a year\'s collaboration with Xerox that has radically improved the product and decimated costs....
Maximum Horsepower (How to Strengthen Your Sales Force Quickly) Palmer O. Simendinger T.
Maximum Horsepower (How to Strengthen Your Sales Force Quickly)
A step-by-step how-to teaching guide for sales leaders who compete in the business to business space, selling products and services that rely on value, not price, in order to win. The author is a former #1 salesman with Xerox and has taught on four continents, extensively throughout Europe and the USA....
Clusters of Creativity Koepp R.
Clusters of Creativity
It is an old adage that \"fortune favours the prepared mind\", that in many cases the elements of a creativity synthesis just \"happened to be there\". It is Koepp?s valuable contribution that he assembles all such clustering dynamics and makes coherent \"the gale of creativity destruction\" that has puzzled us all....
Executive Teams (Jossey-Bass Business and Management Series) Inc t. Nadler D. Spencer J. Spencer J.
Executive Teams (Jossey-Bass Business and Management Series)
Facing an explosion of workplace complexity, many executives choose a team-supported approach to organizational leadership over more traditional leadership models....
Global Information Technology Outsourcing: In Search of Business Advantage Lacity M. Lacity M. Willcocks L. Willcocks L.
Global Information Technology Outsourcing: In Search of Business Advantage
Global Information Technology Outsourcing In Search of Business Advantage Mary C. Lacity & Leslie P. Willcocks ?Lacity, and Willcocks have shown us again why they are the world?s leading IT outsourcing gurus the most comprehensive work on IT outsourcing to date.?...
Champions of Change : How CEOs and Their Companies are Mastering the Skills of Radical Change (Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series) Nadler D.
Champions of Change : How CEOs and Their Companies are Mastering the Skills of Radical Change (Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series)
New Tools for Challengng the Status Quo Immensely readable, this work bolts together the image or theory and the reality of what is required to change the performance of an enterprise. Whether the challenge is renewal or fundamental change, this book delivers real-life depictions that will help all who invest the time. --Richard A....
Powerful Conversations: How High-Impact Leaders Communicate Harkins P.
Powerful Conversations: How High-Impact Leaders Communicate
For the first time in one comprehensive guide, noted leadership expert Phil Harkins shares the powerful conversation techniques he has been studying and using for years with many top executives from Fortune 500 companies such as Kraft, Xerox, and Morgan Stanley....
The Big Idea Strauss S.
The Big Idea
Innovate, and Grow Rich! What does it really take to create an amazing, ultimately market dominating product? Attorney and business writer Steven Strauss goes behind the scenes to find out. Strauss believes that the best way to learn and understand what it takes to innovate is by looking at people who have done it....
Learning Through Knowledge Management
Learning Through Knowledge Management
\'Learning through Knowledge Management\' provides an insightful overview of the main issues integrating learning and Knowledge Management. It offers a rich resource of case examples that highlight Knowledge Management in practice....
Marketing Corporate Image Gregory J. Wiechmann J.
Marketing Corporate Image
A finely honed image is essential for positioning a company for maximum growth and is a powerful marketing asset. Marketing Corporate Image will help your students learn how to get the most impact from an image advertising budget....
The Force Dorsey D.
The Force
\"If you want to know how America\'s business wars are waged in the trenches, The Force is for you. A gripping book.\" --Newsday \"SKILLFULLY REPORTED, INSIGHTFUL...Dorsey lights up our vision of the American salesman with his own sharply reported eyewitness account....
America's Best : IndustryWeek's Guide to World-Class Manufacturing Plants Kinni T.
America's Best : IndustryWeek's Guide to World-Class Manufacturing Plants
In 1990, IndustryWeek magazine established a prestigious new competition, the America\'s Best Plants Award, designed to recognize and honor the top manufacturing operations in the nation....
Lip Service : 50 Humorous Stories of the Worst Customer Service in America and Interviews with the 10 Best Companies in the World Becker H.
Lip Service : 50 Humorous Stories of the Worst Customer Service in America and Interviews with the 10 Best Companies in the World
Here they are . . . 50 stories of the worst customer service in America. We?ve all been at the receiving end of poor or just downright bad customer service, but best selling author and professional speaker Hal Becker, the #1 salesperson for Xerox inhis earlier career, tells it like it is. Let\'s face it....
The One to One Manager: Real-World Lessons in Customer Relationship Management (One to One) Martha M. Peppers D. Rogers P.
The One to One Manager: Real-World Lessons in Customer Relationship Management (One to One)
In The One to One Manager, visionary authors Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, Ph.D., go behind the scenes to report on the challenges and solutions discovered by managers leading 1 to 1 efforts at organizations such as Xerox, General Electric, Oracle, First Union, Hewlett-Packard, USAA, Levi Strauss, and British Airways....
Ultimate Book of Business Brands : Insights from the World's 50 Greatest Brands (The Ultimate Series) Crainer S. Dearlove D.
Ultimate Book of Business Brands : Insights from the World's 50 Greatest Brands (The Ultimate Series)
featuring: American Express - Apple - Barbie - Benetton - Budweiser - Coca-Cola - Disney - Federal Express - The Gap - General Electric - Gillette - Goodyear - Guinness - Haagen-Dazs - Harley-Davidson -Harvard Business School - Heineken - Heinz - Hertz - Hewlett-Packard - Holiday Inn - Hoover - IBM - Ikea Intel - Kelloggs - Kodak - Lego - Levi-Stra...
The Team Selling Solution : Creating and Managing Teams That Win the Complex Sale Waterhouse S.
The Team Selling Solution : Creating and Managing Teams That Win the Complex Sale
Selling in the information age requires the coordinated efforts of field reps, senior management, and an army of technical and product specialists....
No Lie - Truth is the Ultimate Sales Tool Maher B. Maher B.
No Lie - Truth is the Ultimate Sales Tool
A top Fortune 500 sales trainer shows how to transform the ugly truth into beautiful sales No Lie--Truth Is the Ultimate Sales Tool introduces salespeople to a powerful new approach to winning customers\' trust instantly and selling more, more, more....
Joe Wilson and the Creation of Xerox Ellis C.
Joe Wilson and the Creation of Xerox
\"Charley Ellis has written a magnificent portrait, capturing the indomitable spirit of Joe Wilson and his instinctive understanding of the need for and commercial usefulness of a transforming imaging technology....
Copies in Seconds: How a Lone Inventor and an Unknown Company Created the Biggest Communication Breakthrough Since Gutenberg--Chester Carlson and the Birth of Xerox Owen D.
Copies in Seconds: How a Lone Inventor and an Unknown Company Created the Biggest Communication Breakthrough Since Gutenberg--Chester Carlson and the Birth of Xerox
A lone inventor and the story of how one of the most revolutionary inventions of the twentieth century almost didn\'t happen. Introduced in 1960, the first plain-paper office copier is unusual among major high-technology invenions in that its central process was conceived by a single person....
Art and Innovation: The Xerox PARC Artist-in-Residence Program (Leonardo Books) Harris C.
Art and Innovation: The Xerox PARC Artist-in-Residence Program (Leonardo Books)
The idea behind Xerox\'s interdisciplinary Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) is simple: if you put creative people in a hothouse setting, innovation will naturally emerge. PARC\'s Artist-in-Residence Program (PAIR) brings artists who use new media to PARC and pairs them with researchers who often use the same media, though in different contexts....