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978-1-61769-027-3, 978-1-61769-171-3

Главная  » Домашние занятия. Путешествия » Кулинария » Выпечка. Десерты » Десерты » Pierre Herme Macaron: The Ultimate Recipes from the Master Patissier

Herme P., Pierre Herme Macaron: The Ultimate Recipes from the Master Patissier

Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2015 г., 264 стр., 978-1-61769-027-3, 978-1-61769-171-3

Описание книги

Including more than 60 elegantly illustrated recipes, Pierre Herme Macarons is the definitive guide to macarons. The uncontested leader of French pastry chefs, Pierre Herme has made the macaron famous, one of the most coveted, sought-after desserts from Tokyo to Paris to New York. In this comprehensive look at the beloved pastry, the classics such as vanilla and chocolate are explored alongside Herme"s masterful inventions. His entirely original and inspired flavour combinations--such as cucumber and tangerine, wasabi cream and strawberry, and hazelnut and asparagus--make it clear why Herme"s macarons are famous the world over. The genius patissier"s best macarons, including many of his newest recipes, are revealed for the first time in a gorgeous volume that almost rivals the beauty of the exquisite creations featured within. Hardcover includes a removable step-by-step guide to techniques used throughout the book.

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